Desert Messenger

April 4, 2012

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Page 14 THOUGHTBUSTER.COM The Power of Focusing "The only real Failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows" Buddha What is the best choice in 2012? We know from history that change oc- curred when people stood up for their rights. We also know that war and fi ghting has caused enormous amount of suffering in our world. We know that love is one answer. But we fear that just being loving and sending love might not be enough to solve our world problems. What are we to do? It can be so frustrating hearing there are answers to our gas problems, as we watch gas prices go higher. Or there tention, affi rmation, meditation, cer- emony, our stories and simply where our mind is emotional changed in re- peated thinking…. I remember when we wanted the Ber- are cures for cancer which are blocked when we have friends or family members dying of cancer. Then there is the evidence that we even have the answer for everyone in the world to have cheap energy, yet again it is blocked. The list goes on to most all our world problems, if we could only access the answers instead of them be- ing shut down. Even as tax returns are being fi lled out we know the answer to our countries debt is by having the one percent pay the same percentage of taxes on their income as all other Americans do. We can turn off the TV, stop listening 425 N. Central (Hwy. 95) OPEN 8am-4:30pm Monday thru Sat. Closed Sunday RV DUMP Cash or Credit Card Auto pay PROPANE OPD Valves Custom Hoses Recertification Refills Tanks R/O Ozone Water RV Potable Water with full hookups R/O WATER 5 GAL/ $1 WATER R/O ICE RV PARK 928-927-3714 Dr. Michael Cole, D.C. Providing Chiropractic care to Quartzsite! to the news, and pray it all goes away, yet a small voice inside tells us it is not going away; it is growing bigger. We read about new executive orders de- tainment without trail, we hear about FEMA camps and fear grows deeper. It is not easy in this world to be true to the best one knows. We have a WALL OF FEAR. What we focus on is what grows like water to a plant. The art of focusing is accomplished in many ways. We focus though prayer, visualization, in- lin Wall to come down. During that time on New Years Eve I gave a can- dlelight prayer ceremony in Ashland, Oregon to join in prayer for bringing down the Berlin Wall. When I heard the Wall actually came down I was overjoyed from my fi rst experience of witnessing how collective prayer for a world problem can make a difference. Michael Furchert was living in Berlin at the time, and was only 17 during this moment in history. He wrote, "Mil- lions of people across the county had now joined the candle vigils and prayer marches, creating a sea of lights across the nation. The movement was grow- ing as Communist East Germany was desperately trying to hold to its power. The military started to beat and arrest people and drag them away. They were waiting for someone to react, pick up a rock, to overturn a car or start a riot. And the government would have had their justifi cation to give an order to open fi re. Instead, one lady kneel- ing on the street praying surrounded by military and police arose and put a fl ower into the muzzle of a gun. She watched a tear roll down the cheek of the soldier who maybe deep inside his heart had been longing for freedom and liberty himself. Not one shot was fi red during the peaceful Revolution. Quartzsite Chiropractic $ Friday 9am-noon/2:30-5pm • 9-11am Adjustments WINTER HOURS: 25 Dr. Michael Cole, D.C. Chiropractic Care 225 N. Central Suite #7 Quartzsite For more information call: 928-533-4588 April 4, 2012 Instead the Berlin Wall came down. There are no barriers to faith but those we allow to be there. Communism didn't bring down our faith. Our faith brought down the Berlin Wall".* The Berlin Wall did not come down from ignoring the problem, or from fi ghting. It came down through people around the world joining together with the intention of collective prayer in ob- taining a focused goal. Michael Furchert goes on to write, "Another high ranking politician later said about their defeat: Our govern- ment and military was prepared for everything. But not for candles and hymns, not faith and prayers." When a room is dark we turn on the light to see. May we do the same for our country. For change to work or any intention experiment, you have to understand what you wish to change. What is the focus? Where do we want to shed light into the dark? May we use history to be our guide, and join together in focusing on what we want through ceremonies across the nation. Everyone, all races, all re- ligions, all faiths united for returning love and freedom back to America. Coach Louise Rouse www.Planetary- * newsletter/revolution2.html Coach Louise Rouse copyright 2012 of the Desert Messenger Email: DEADLINE is WED. April 11 for April 18th issue Phone: 541-218-2560 SHADES REPAIRED DAY NIGHT 3 YEAR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Local Resident • FREE Estimates Larry - cell 928-273-3719 Factory Chords!

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