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WED. APRIL 4, 2012 Vol. 8 Issue #149 "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" Urgent: letters needed to keep trails open By Judy Reed Quartzsite, AZ- The April 5, 2012 deadline for submitting com- ments on BLM's La Posa Travel Management Plan is upon us. At this point it's probably too late to send letters. We are requesting that you send emails as soon as possible to several elected offi cials. In your email please identify the BLM La Posa Travel Management Plan as your concern. Tell the elected offi cial that there is a pos- sibility that the BLM is going to close down the OHV (Off Highway SEE TRAILS PAGE 2 Boycott sparks controversy By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ - Thursday, March 22nd, an anonymous fl ier appeared around town advocating a boycott of many local businesses that carry or advertise in a competitor's paper. Once again, for the record, Desert Messenger does NOT advocate boy- cotting local businesses! Over a year ago the topic was fi rst brought up by readers of Desert Messenger and it was addressed in an editorial by Shanana Rain Golden-Bear on Janu- ary 5, 2011: "Most of you know that I come from the advertising 'side of the room', as they say. The majority of my career in the newspaper industry has been helping businesses market their service or product. A commu- nity thrives and can only grow with strong business support. There have been calls for boycotting her [Jennifer Jones's] advertisers, however I don't believe that is a positive solution. Do- ing so just breeds more anger and dis- content within the community, and it hurts our small business owners who are just trying to make a living." Boycotts have been around for cen- turies, and is an expression of protest- ing something people feel passionate about. Free speech has become a hot topic in Quartzsite over the past year and is every ones right, not just those we agree with. Maybe it would help to understand the history of boycotts. According to http://www.con-sum-, "The term boycott or refus- ing to purchase certain products or do business with specifi c companies comes from Charles Boycott. He was an Irish landowner in 1880, who re- fused to lower the rents he charged in compliance with a new land reform law. He was boycotted and soon found himself isolated, unable to keep his servants or even buy food. Now as it did then, it doesn't make sense to do business with people or companies whose actions and conduct offend you. When someone refuses to buy a prod- uct or service on conscientious ground, MAIN ST. EATERY Eggs Benedict Breakfast Sat. & Sun. NOW OPEN FOR DINNER Friday and Saturday 4-7pm FISH FRIDAYS! PRIME RIB SATURDAYS! a personal boycott is created." Jennifer Jones, publisher of Desert Freedom Press, publicly advocated boycotting a former councilman's business and any business not sup- porting her views. Richard Abbey, of Demand Justice in Quartzsite, told his "listeners and readers to not do busi- ness with Lukkkasson and Golden- Bear, and even suggests avoiding the Yackley's real estate company." Now, when Ms. Halfmoon expresses her ad- aptation of the very same activity, citi- zens are outraged. Jones published her support for a boycott online and in her paper. Halfmoon hand distributed fl i- ers advocating the very same actions, however with much broader targets. Would it have made a difference if Halfmoon's list was only 3 businesses instead of 30? Conscientious Consuming may in- volve boycotting (punishing) the products of companies and countries whose activities you disapprove of and purchasing (rewarding) the products of companies and countries whose ac- tivities have your approval. The proposed boycott of local busi- The Gathering Place of Quartzsite for Good Food, Fun and Friendship! 541-218-2560 Salvation Army to hold Grand Opening April 9 SEE SALLY PAGE 9 nesses does not accomplish the goal intended by most successful boycotts. But it is the right of consumers to ex- press her opinions and choices as pro- tected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The issue has brought about a lot of heated debate in Quartzsite. Hopefully citizens will discuss their differences in a respectful manner and move forward. WHAT'S INSIDE 2 Editorial 4 Letters to Editor 8 Around Town 13 Voices from the Past 14 Coach Louise 15 Restaurants 16 Church Directory 19 Perspectives 20 Puzzle Page 21 Astrology 22 Obituaries 23 Classifi eds LAUNDROMAT Full Service Laundry! MAIN ST. OPEN YEAR-ROUND! >>>> 205 E. Main Street, Quartzsite <<<< 928-927-4163 Open Daily 5AM- 7PM 6AM- 2PM Open Showers $6