Desert Messenger

December 03, 2014

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DESERT MESSENGER Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper Proud to be a Quartzsite Licensed Business 928-916-4235 Founded by Walt Akin October 1, 2004 P�������� �� P���� R��� P��������� C�. P.O. Box 3185 Quartzsite, AZ 85359 P�������� ����� � ����� 1st & 3rd Wednesday Sept. thru May with Special Summer Editions June, July & August EDITOR/PUBLISHER Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear CONTRIBUTING JOURNALIST Joanne Winer GUEST COLUMNIST Jedidiah Free GUEST COLUMNIST The late Rosalee O Wheeler GUEST COLUMNIST Gypsy Jane Finley CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Starr BearCat NAME PLATE LETTERING Paul Winer E-mail: Copyright 2013 Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Desert Messenger. LIKE US on DesertMessengerNews FOLLOW US on Twitter @QuartzsiteRain Copyright 2014 6 December 3, 2014 By Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear OPINION LETTERS TO EDITOR POLICY Desert Messenger encourages letters from its readers. Letters should be no longer than 300 words, and may be edited for grammar, content and length. OPINIONS EXPRESSED HEREIN DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THOSE OF THE DESERT MESSENGER. We invite you to not only see a problem, but search for the solution to share with the community, keeping the benefit of all in mind. Letters considered libelous, in poor taste, on a personal issue, mean spirited or dominated by Scripture quotes will not be published. Third party letters will not be accepted. To avoid confusion over people with common or similar names, writers must provide a full name and indicate the name they are known by. Writers must provide a full street address and phone number. Rvers can provide the location of park/BLM land, etc. Street addresses will not be published. Phone numbers are for verification only and will not be printed. Send letters to: Desert Messenger, P.O. Box 3185, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 or E-mail to: 928-916-4235 I hope you had a grateful Thanksgiving. Anyone who regularly reads my column knows I surround myself in gratitude. I am often still surprised with how many folks are addicted to fi nding what's wrong in situations. It's true that to change, one must acknowledge there is a need for change. However, I sure don't want to spend my whole day just think- ing about what needs changing. I would rather just get out there and do it. As you scan the articles in this edition, you'll read about local organizations, clubs, and churches fi lled with folks who volunteer their time and energy to "get 'er done!" Every community has volunteers, but I must applaud our amazing volun- teers here in Quartzsite; both our local residents and the countless snowbirds who give so much to our community. Quartzsite is fi lling with Elders (a more respectful term than "old farts") who inspire our youth by their actions and history. Even our own "naked bookstore owner" Paul Winer found himself on the cover of December's edition of The Gerontologist! A while back, someone visited the store and was surprised by activities at his age and took the nice photo (Paul turns 72 next week and will celebrate with a concert!) The QIA sponsored a luncheon last week for local groups to meet each other and come together to coordinate events. The volunteers at QIA served other vol- unteers who give; and the circle contin- ues! I was honored to be sitting among so many caring and giving people all in one place. There is a sense of hope and happiness when sharing with others. May your day be fi lled with gratitude for the small things in your life! You could Be Anywhere, Doing Anything, and You are Here Doing This, Thank You" ~ Robert Greygrass (thank you from me too!) "The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do."~ Kobe Bryant Just Rambling... Provided by Elmer London, Quartzsite and Desert Messenger In Shakespeare's day he asked the question, "What light in yonder window breaks?" Today, we ask ourselves the question; "What cell phone charger light on yonder wall is depriving me of sleep?" Often with modern con- venience's we need to ask someone, "please call my number I can't find my phone." DEADLINE : WED. DEC, 10 TH for DEC 17 th edition Desert Messenger Email: 928-916-4235 It's that time to clean up around your home! The Town of Quartzsite is sponsoring the annual Town Wide Clean-up Day December 11, 12, & 13. Dumpsters are available on the Town Lot, just east of Ed Options, 560 E. Coyote (just around the corner from the Police Sta- tion, off Plymouth.) Free trash and household goods dis- posal, however NO TIRES-NO HAZ- ARDOUS WASTE OR WHITE GOODS (nothing with Freon, such as air condi- tioners, refrigerators, freezers.) If you need some help or cannot get to the dumpsters, call Quartzsite Town Hall at 928-927-4333 to arrange as- sistance. Town Wide Clean up Days Dec. 11-13 Cowboy, Indian, US Cavalry and Unique Museum Quality WESTERN ITEMS! Rice Ranch - E. Kuehn (Just East of Gamblers) 719-289-4717 BLM Field Manager John MacDonald will address Arizona Sunriders ATV group Mon. Dec 8, 10:00 am at Ari- zona Sun RV Park, 715 E Quail Trail, Quartzsite, about the La Posa Travel Management Plan. BLM meets with AZ Sunriders Dec. 8

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