Pi Kappa Alpha - Purdue University

Fall 2013 Newsletter

Beta Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Purdue University

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Candlelight Beta Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha • Purdue University Published by the Beta Phi Foundation Fall 2013 Campaign Hits $1.2 Million Goal Donate Now to Help the Campaign Finish Strong B rothers, thanks to a number of recent contributions, we have been able to take advantage of the $100,000 anonymous challenge gift and have now exceeded our goal! I thank all 257 brothers who have contributed to the cause thus far and challenge all of you who possibly can to join their ranks before the year's end. As we have indicated previously, work on the house began this summer with a new roof. The balance of the work will be completed next summer, so the members will not be displaced. These last few years have brought serious financial challenges to many of us personally. Understandably, not everyone was in a position to contribute. We hope you are able to support the Chapter in the years ahead and remain hopeful that those who have been in a wait-and-see mode will jump in and allow us to finish even stronger than originally thought possible. I am happy to report that our official campaign ends December 31. All pledges through that date will be acknowledged in the spring 2014 Candlelight. Pledges of $2,500 or more will be included on a plaque in the living room. Please add Home Association President Darrell Andersen '52 inspects the foundation your name to the list by mailing your while the Chapter House was under construction in July 1963. pledge card today. The SigEp house is in the right background. The Foundation and Home Association have agreed to renovations beyond our original plans. This work includes an exciting update to our main floor common areas, as well as significant updates in the kitchen. We expect the cost of kitchen renovations to be nearly $95,000 and the living areas $150,000. Naming rights are available. Our completed total construction budget for 2014 is $1,400,000. We need to raise an additional $250,000 to help offset a higher mortgage. This is a conceptual drawing of the living room highlighting a new fireplace, ceiling beams, and French doors that would enter into a new alumni/study room. Again, my thanks to each of you who continue to work to make the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity number one at Purdue. In the bonds, Brian Doolittle '70 Campaign Chairman brdoo@comcast.net This is a conceptual drawing of the front entry. The new partition wall with the Pike crest would block the view of the two stairwells. Honoring Our Legacy, Securing Our Future

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