Phi Kappa Psi - University of Texas

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Texas Alpha Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity at the University of Texas

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Texas Alpha is excited about its recent initiative involving the chapter's outstanding history and traditions – "The Legacy Project." In spring 2021, the undergraduate brothers indicated they would like to see and learn much more about the chapter's long history and rich traditions. In response, the Texas Alpha Endowment Fund created the Legacy Project. In addition to a planned trophy display case, an exciting new idea is being implemented to provide the chapter with an easily accessible, high-tech method of viewing Texas Phi Psi's amazing history and traditions. The Legacy Project will complement two other items implemented over the past two years — the composites for every year were put up in the house and the great room was outfitted with several large blown-up photographs of brothers from every era having fun at the fraternity. Although the trophy display case has not yet been created, the "Legacy Kiosk" is in full swing. In September, a 55-inch touch-screen kiosk was unveiled on the second floor of the Phi Psi house. This kiosk is fully interactive, and has the ability to easily pull up the chapter's history by pointing and navigating on the screen. So far, the kiosk has a comprehensive timeline that allows you to click on any given year and pull up what happened along with photos or illustrations. This timeline captures many of the chapter's accomplishments and the achievements of individual brothers on campus. In addition to Texas Alpha material, the timeline covers items bearing on Texas Phi Psi such AVALANCHE Screenshot of Interactive Legacy Kiosk powered by KODEX. LEGACY THE continued on page 2 PROJECT

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