Beta Theta Pi - Purdue University

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University

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BETA MU LINK BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Fall 2021 F or the past few years, we have concentrated our fundraising efforts on our Capital Campaign, and not emphasized our annual Chapter House Association membership dues. I am hopeful that our alumni can support our annual campaign again, as it helps provide these newsletters and other alumni communications, manages events like Homecoming and Stag, and provides ongoing maintenance to our wonderful facility to host activities for the Alumni Association. For as little as $75 a year, you can provide that support. Visit btppuannual to make gis. Giving is made simple on the website, and you can set up monthly payment installments (which makes a $75 contribution only $6.25 each month!). We are grateful for your generous gis to help provide the ultimate Beta Mu experience to our members. If everyone does this, I promise I'll stop the recurring sales pitch! Despite the hardships the University and students have faced with COVID-19, the Chapter is on its way to resuming normal operations. Per Purdue's policy, any unvaccinated students are required to be tested regularly. Fortunately, there have been no positive cases in the house; still, we are taking the necessary precautions to keep our members safe and healthy by sanitizing regularly and following social distancing measures. With in-person activities increasing, we rented a tent near the stadium and resumed our annual Homecoming celebration. Although it was a rainy Saturday, we are pleased to have had a good crowd; it was great to see brothers from all generations gather again aer a year of absence. As always, we hope to grow the celebration every year and encourage everyone to plan on attending in addition to convincing your pledge brothers to join you. We are also interested in resuming Stag, our spring event which has traditionally been held in April, featuring a golf outing and cookout with the undergraduates. We enjoy mingling with the younger brothers but have found that the timing has been difficult for many individuals, so we are considering a summer event instead. If you have a preference of when Stag should be held, we would love to hear your feedback. e undergraduate members remain interested in networking with the alumni. ey have set up Facebook and LinkedIn groups for us to interact and help with internships and job placement. Please join these groups and support these brothers—they continue to excel academically and are worthy of our support and expertise. On a personal note, I was overwhelmed by the strong brotherhood displayed last summer by the men from my era. As mentioned in the spring issue of Beta Mu Link, Brother Dave Lazor '82 passed away unexpectedly. Dave's daughter, Annie Lazor, is an elite swimmer, and we all cheered her on to a bronze medal in the 200m breaststroke in the Tokyo Olympics. It was quite emotional for all of us to celebrate Dave's life through her achievements. It reminded me of how great this Chapter is as well as the quality of men who have called 150 Littleton their home. Brotherhood never ends. Yours in _kai_, Tom Hoover '82 Beta Mu House Corporation President PAVING A POSITIVE PATH Annual Membership Drive Opens Now - How You Can Help Provide the Ultimate Beta Mu Experience Brothers from the 1980s with Homecoming host John Laurie '86. John Hoover '80 and George Cooper '78. Scott Hayes '68 and Grant Martin '67. Recent graduates Shea Solmos '19, Joe Beaty '18, Ryan Lamb '18, and Alex Giacomin '20. Recent grads reconnected with former House Director Julio Hernandez.

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