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April 17, 2013 3 Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Quartzsite General Store, LLC ����� | S������ �� D����� M�������� Quartzsite Community Thrift Store makes more donations to community By Joanne Winer The Quartzsite Community Thrift Store has again been able to donate to some worthy groups in town. Last month, the board met and were asked if they could help the Parks and Recreation Dept. with the annual Easter Egg Hunt, since their funds were very limited. They were given a check for $200. to help buy items needed for this event. During this month's board meeting, it was also voted on to donate $1000 towards the Alliance Church Youth camp funds to help children be able to experience a camping trip-this camp is open to all children in Quartzsite. The check was picked up by Marika Holcomb at the Thrift Store after the meeting. The youth group at the church does a lot of fundraising to make sure that as many kids who want to go to camp get the chance to do it. The thrift store donated funds last year as well so that any child could have the chance to go. The board and volunteers would like to thank everyone who donates items to the store to be sold so they can use the funds to help other organizations and groups help others. During the past two years, they have given out $11,200 back into the community, thanks to the generosity of those who donate to the store, and to others who come into the store to buy donated items. Their summer hours are Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you have any items you wish to donate to further their cause, please take them to the store during open hours, or call Jini Dill at 927-6039 or cell 916-7338 if after hours or if pickup needed. PHOTO: Board members Shirley Phillips, Jake Fogle, Martha Hollowell, Margaret Fogle and Joanne Brunet present check to Marika Holcomb Quartzsite Art Guild updates Submitted by Jo Stoltz thanks to Kathleen Stevens and all the great staff at the bank for allowing us At Our Last meeting we had 14 members present. The Art Guild has started to decorate their work place! For the program, Christene Schlagplanning for the next show and sale for eter showed a technique using acrylics Jan 10th and 11th, 2014. We are kickand an alcohol spray, and Jo Stoltz ing around ideas to make the next one showed us a "crackling" method using bigger and better. hide glue and acrylics that you can use We are hoping to have even more for painting frames or for paintings. non-guild members show their work. Both methods were very interesting All items must be juried-in at 3 weeks and way cool! before the show. Everyone is welcome Our next meeting will be Thursday, to bring your artwork or photos to one April 18th at 6:30 pm at the Senior of our meetings, so we can get you enCenter on Moon Mountain Road. Visitered in. Hope to see you soon. tors are always welcome, see ya there. Maggie and John Romanko curFor more info call Jo Stoltz rently have their work on display in the Horizon Community Bank. Our sincere @928-951-6549. We'll be OPEN ALL SUMMER for our valued locals with our FRIENDLY Service LOW Prices! Starting April 15th we will close at 6pm Stop in and see us! THE MANAGEMENT TEAM Don & Lois Moore Rick & Sherri Garlow Quality Meats at VERY Affordable Prices! Open Daily from 8am to 7pm For all your GROCERY NEEDS & MOORE! Beer & Wine Fresh Retail & Wholesale Meats Homemade Sausages Arizona Lottery & Pick Fish & Game Licenses A.P.S. Pay Station We Accept EBT and Debit Cards 410 E. Main Street, Quartzsite • 928-927-6310 PUBLIC NOTICE Need Cash? Jim Buys in Quartzsite! We pay top dollar for: Scrap Gold, Gold Coins, Dental Gold, All gold Marked 10K, 14K, 18K Foreign coins, Silver coins, Old U. S. Coins, Proof Sets. All Type Coins, Old U.S. and Foreign Paper Money, Famous Autographs. OPEN 7 da a we ys ek! JIM BUYS GOLD Conveniently Located Directly across from McDonald‛s in Quartzsite! OPEN YEAR ROUND! 1240 W. MAIN ST. • QUARTZSITE, ARIZONA