Delta Chi Educational Foundation
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The KnighT erranT PAGE 2 "Every Delta Chi should attend UIFI to gain an understanding of the shared ex- periences that all Greeks have, which builds motivation to improve not only their chapter but also their campus and the Greek community as a whole." Nicholas Aaron, Virginia Tech '22 "The diversity you witness in the Greek experience and at UIFI is amazing! You get to see how other organizations have handled many of the issues that affect Delta Chi. You come home with great ideas for your own chapter and how to implement them." Brandon Alexander, Northern Colorado '22 "UIFI is an overall enriching experience that prepares you for leadership with skills, experiences, and friendships. Greek unity is of the utmost importance. If our community were more unified, many of the stigmas that surround Greeks would be much less common." Cole Anderson, University of the Sciences Philadelphia '21 "I expected a lot of 'the same, old stuff' from UIFI, but my expectations were sur- passed by far! I learned that the Greek community really is the sum of its parts, and one chapter's actions can have tre- mendous repercussions on the rest of the Greek community. UIFI gives you the full experience and explains why you made the right decision to be Greek." Ivan Browning, Wilmington '20 "UIFI has been life-changing for me. It is so immersive. You get so much informa- tion and hear so many viewpoints. I was able to pinpoint areas that I can and want to improve in my own leadership style." Christian Haley, Ferrum '21 "UIFI was eye-opening! My main take- away was all I learned about values- based recruitment and how to improve our efforts at my chapter." Nicholas Kronshage, Colorado State '21 "My experience at UIFI was awesome! I learned a lot, but my main takeaway from this program has been the ideas I've gained to improve and expand our As- sociate Member(AM) program. I think we can really improve retention by improv- ing an already good AM program." Ryan Reece, Central Oklahoma '21 "UIFI has empowered me to do well in my chapter and for my community. I learned how to make my voice heard as a leader. I also learned about values-based recruit- ing and making sure we get brothers that will uphold our values." Isaac Villeda, Anchorage '22 "All these people from diverse back- grounds who will come together to have the tough conversations, who will head back to their campuses with new tools to put their foot down and make changes for the better, was great to see." Blake Weaver, Chapel Hill '21 Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute Offers Life-Changing Experience Scholarship Recipients Thankful for the Opportunity I n 2019, the DCEF awarded nine scholarships for undergraduate members to attend the Undergraduate Interfrater- nity Institute (UIFI) leadership program in Indianapolis, Indiana. Here is what our attendees had to say about their experience. Follow us on social media to hear directly from our scholarship winners over the next few weeks.