Up & Coming Weekly

January 15, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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18 UCW JANUARY 16-22, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Hope Mills News & Views Hope Mills to honor Gary Dove by naming Brower Park building in his memory by EARL VAUGHAN JR. By the time opening day for spring sports in Hope Mills rolls around on Saturday, April 13, there should be a sign honoring the memory of the late Gary Dove on the main building at the Brower Park athletic complex on Rockfish Road. The idea for the sign was first proposed by Jerry Legge of the town's Board of Commissioners, one of many friends of Dove and himself a longtime proponent of youth athletics in the town. "The building at Brower Park is almost new, and we're going to dedicate it to him,'' Legge said. The multi-purpose structure, the largest of two buildings at the Brower Park athletic complex, is two stories and contains a concession stand plus rooms used for the cheerleading and wrestling programs. At various times of the year, the space is also used as a room for umpires to gather when they're not on the field working. The second floor has space used by the Hope Mills Youth Association. Legge said it was only fitting to have a perma - nent recognition of Dove's contributions to the town's youth athletic program. "He didn't meet any strangers,'' Legge said of Dove. "He coached there for years, and he was president of the youth program for several years. He worked as a field supervisor for the last few years of his life.'' Legge said Dove was known by nearly everyone in town and was remembered by many for his smile and generosity. "I thought it was appropriate we did something in his honor,'' Legge said. Town manager Melissa Adams said work should be completed shortly, if not by the time this story is published, on a sign that will be placed on the front of the Brower Park building facing Rockfish Road. "We've been in consultation with the fam - ily about designing it and the correct name they wanted,'' Adams said. Although everyone knew Dove as Gary, his given name is Maxey, a name he shares with his son, who still works for the Hope Mills Parks and Recreation Department. Adams said an unveiling of the sign will be scheduled, again in consultation with the fam- ily. Members of the Board of Commissioners will also be invited to attend. Adams expects the unveiling of the sign will take place sometime by the end of this month or early February, well before the start of the spring sports season in Hope Mills. Maxey Dove said his father's commitment to youth sports in Hope Mills was something dear to his heart. "He enjoyed the camaraderie with the kids, the teaching experience of seeing kids go from never having caught a ball before to potential all-star years down the road,'' he said. "It wasn't just the competition part, the wins and losses. It was more about building character, building future leaders.'' Adams said it's important for the young people of the town to see permanent recognition of the kind of dedication that leaders like Gary Dove exhibited. "Hopefully that leads them to want to do the same,'' she said. "Hopefully they can see the dedication and lifelong work that he did self- lessly. He didn't get paid for it. Hopefully, they can see that and they will want to give back as well.'' Gary Dove with his grandson Cameron and dog Maggie. The building to the right, behind the signs on the fence at Brower Park, will be named in memory of the late Gary Dove. EARL VAUGHAN JR., Senior Staff Writer. COMMENTS? EarlUCWS- ports@gmail.com. 910-364-6638. NEWS Brower Park is located at 5763 Rockfish Rd.

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