Up & Coming Weekly

December 26, 2018

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM DECEMBER 26, 2018-JANUARY 1, 2019 UCW 13 Students interested in data- base management can earn an associate degree in information technology from Fayetteville Technical Community College. IT teaches students the fundamen- tals of areas including network- ing, security and programming. In addition to these fundamen- tals, FTCC's Database Manage- ment program emphasizes the student learning what a database is and how it functions on both the user side and the administra- tion side. Students will take classes in Oracle, MySQL and MS SQL Server. Graduates are prepared to work in the IT field providing support to database administrators who organize and protect an organization's data and keep the data-driven applications performing at their best. Data are at the heart of almost any organization. Busi- ness decisions are based on data. It's important that the data are accurate, accessible and secure. Database Management students will qualify for entry-level positions with businesses, educational systems, government agencies and any other enti- ties that rely heavily on computer systems to man- age their data. e Information Technology PC Support & Services program at FTCC introduces students to just about all areas of the IT discipline. Students take courses in network- ing, programming and security, but they focus on hardware and software. Students will learn how to disassemble and build PCs from scratch. ey will learn how to build virtual machines and install operating systems, and they will learn the necessary troubleshoot- ing techniques for repairing PC hardware and software issues. Degrees in IT can open the door to numerous job opportunities and job fields, especially in light of North Carolina's Research Triangle Park. is curriculum prepares students for employment as troubleshooters responsible for solving problems and providing technical support and advice to customers and users in just about any sector, including hospitals, educational institutions, retail establishments and government and state organizations. In addition to associate degree programs, FTCC offers several certificate programs of study. Students can complete certificate programs more quickly than associate degree programs. Certificate pro- grams are condensed to promote focus on one par- ticular area of interest. ey are ideal for individuals seeking additional career training. FTCC also offers educational opportunities for high school students. ere are many certificates available to students enrolled in High School Con- nections and Cumberland Polytechnic High School at FTCC. Anyone interested in learning about computer technology programs at FTCC can apply easily by visiting FTCC's homepage (www.faytechcc.edu) and clicking on Apply Now. ere is no application fee, and everyone is accepted. During the admissions process, applicants should indicate the desired program area. Students may select Information Technology/Database Management or Information Technology/PC Support & Services. Once the ad- missions process is complete, students will want to proceed in registering for classes right away and can begin their major courses during the first semester. For more information, call 910-678-7368 or email sobersto@faytechcc.edu. Start the new year in a positive direction with education from FTCC. Regis- ter soon; spring classes begin Jan. 14. Fayetteville Technical Community College offers computer technology programs by TOMICA SOBERS EDUCATION TOMICA SOBERS, FTCC Department Chair of IT/PC Support & Services. COMMENTS? Edi- tor@upandcomingweekly.com. 910-484-6200. Information technology teaches students the fundamentals of areas including networking, security and programming.

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