Marlette Regional Hospital

MRH Annual Report 2018

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Trisha Ludescher, RN of our surgical services and emergency departments was recognized for ensuring the comfort of a patient who received a faulty piece of equipment. A patient that was seen in our ER and was admitted to our acute care unit called after discharge to share concerns about a leg brace that she received during an orthopedic office consultation. The metal in the brace had poked through the fabric and started to cut her leg. The patient was not mobile and could not drive herself to get a replacement brace, so Trisha drove to her apartment in Mayville to pick up the brace and exchange it at the durable medical equipment (DME) supplier from which it came. The DME shared that they didn't have any in stock and that it would take a few days before one would arrive. Knowing that the patient needed this brace, Trisha purchased fabric to patch the brace with needle and thread so it would be more comfortable and returned the brace to the patient's apartment in Mayville. Thanks to Trisha's efforts, the patient had a comfortable brace until the new one arrived. Kimberly James, RN, our Care Coordinator, was recognized for ensuring that a patient received needed specialty medical care. A patient received news about a serious health ailment while visiting his primary care provider at our North Branch Family HealthCare office. The office facilitated an appointment with a neurologist in Saginaw, but his wife was so distraught with the news that she was unable to drive to the appointment. Having no children or relatives in the area, Kim tried to facilitate transportation, but it was cost prohibitive for the couple. Unwilling to give up, Kim rearranged her work and personal schedule to drive both of them to the appointment where he was hospitalized for further testing. Meanwhile… Robin Lee, MA of our North Branch Family HealthCare office was recognized for ensuring that this same couple's animals were tended to while they were in Saginaw. Robin recognized that the couple needed help and didn't want the animals to be neglected while their owners were away dealing with this serious health ailment. On her own time, Robin went to the couple's home before work, during her lunch break and after work to care for their rabbits, three dogs, cats, gecko, parrot, alpacas and goats. Anita Schierlinger, MSN, FNP-BC of our North Branch Family HealthCare office was recognized for surprising one of our hospice patients with a sweet indulgence. A hospice patient shared with our social worker that she loves her sweets and the bakery by the Motor City Casino in Detroit, but her husband had been down there on two occasions to get something for her without success because the line was too long. Anita overheard this at a team meeting and shared that she would be down there for a conference and could pick up something if they found out what she liked. After the conference was over, Anita stood in line for half an hour, purchased the baked goods with her own money, and delivered them to the patient's home so they were fresh. The patient was pleasantly surprised and grateful for Anita's thoughtfulness. Sean Cummings of our plant operations and maintenance department was recognized for saving a patient money thanks to his detective work. A car was parked in our south lot for several weeks during the winter months that was becoming difficult to plow around. The hospital discovered that it didn't belong to a hospital employee, so the course of action was to have it towed at the owner's expense. Through social media, Sean contacted the owner to make arrangements before the car was towed. The owner shared that the car needed repair but couldn't afford to get it repaired and moved. Through Sean's persistence and efforts, the vehicle was moved without it being towed, and he saved the owner a considerable amount of money in light of the owner's current financial hardship. MRH HEARTBEAT | 3 YOUR EXPECTATIONS Each day, Marlette Regional Hospital marvels at the wonderful care our employees provide to our patients and residents, especially the unexpected, extra things our employees do to provide excellent customer service to those we serve. "And Then Some" is a program at Marlette Regional Hospital designed to recognize employees who commit to exceeding the expectations of those we serve. Employees are nominated by their coworkers and winners are selected each month for recognition and a monetary appreciation gift. Here are just a few of the remarkable stories from this past year: Stay connected! Read these stories and more on our hospital Facebook page. Exceeding

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