Up & Coming Weekly

April 25, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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18 UCW APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Fort Bragg Fair at Fort Bragg Fairgrounds through May 14. Call (910) 396-9126 for details. Historic Tours by Carriage at the Downtown Alliance. 1-4 p.m. Visit www.visitdowntownfayetteville. com or call (910) 222-3382 for information. Fort Bragg Fair at Fort Bragg Fair- grounds through May 14. Call (910) 396-9126 for more information. Jack Hanna's Into the Wild Live! at Crown Theatre. 6:30 p.m. Find out more at www. crowncomplexnc.com/events or call (910) 438-4100. Plant Appreciation Walking Group at J. Bayard Clark Park and Nature Center. 3-4 p.m. Call (910) 433-1579 or visit http://bit. ly/2ov7yuP for information. Saint John's Episco- pal Church Exhibit at Fayetteville Area Transportation and Local His- tory Museum through June 10. Visit http://bit.ly/2oTMuA0 or call (910) 433-1457 for details. Fort Bragg Fair at the Fort Bragg Fairgrounds through May 14. Call (910) 396- 9126 for more information. Bluegrass and BBQ Silent Auction at FTCC's Tony Rand Center. Pro- ceeds benefit the FTCC Foundation. Email trottm@ faytechcc.edu or call 910 678-8441 for information. Fayetteville Dog- wood Festival through April 30 in Downtown Fayetteville and Festival Park. Visit www. faydogwoodfestival.com for more information. Duck Derby at Festival Park 3 p.m. Watch thousands of rubber ducks float down Cross Creek to raise money for nonprofits and schools. Free. Visit www.duckrace.com/ fayetteville- duckderby or call (910) 483-5944 for information. Fayetteville Dog- wood Festival through April 30 in Downtown Fayetteville and Festi- val Park. Visit www.faydogwood- festival.com for more information. 4th Friday in Downtown Fayette- ville. 6-10 p.m. Enjoy art, music, dining and more. Call (910) 222- 3382 or (910) 323-1776. FTCC Foundation Golf Tour- nament at Gates Four Country Club. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Email foun- dation@faytechcc.edu or call 910 678-8441 for information. Fort Bragg Fair at Fort Bragg Fairgrounds through May 14. Call (910) 396-9126 for information. Fayetteville Sym- phony Youth Orchestra Spring Concert at Huff Concert Hall, Methodist University. 4 p.m. Call (910) 433-4690 for infor- mation. Author of Ballad of the Green Beret Meet-and-Greet at City Center Gallery & Books, 112 Hay St. 2-4 p.m. For more information, call 910- 678-8899. Kids Fest at Festival Park 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call (910) 433-1547 or visit http://bit. ly/2oqtfwM for information. Fayetteville Dogwood Festival through April 30 in Downtown Fayette- ville and Festival Park. Visit www. faydogwoodfestival.com for more information. Fayetteville Symphony Or- chestra's "SHH ... It's a Secret" Speakeasy reveals the sympho- ny's next conductor. 6:30 p.m. at Studio 215. Call (910) 433-4690 or visit www.fayettevillesymphony.org City Market at the Mu- seum at 325 Franklin Street. 2-6 p.m. Visit http://bit.ly/2pVVJzb for more information. Birding in the Sandhills at Carvers Creek State Park. 4:30 p.m. Call (910) 436- 4681 or visit http://bit. ly/2oq63yY for more information. Heritage Square Wine, Brews & Silent Auction 6-9 p.m. Live music. Tickets $40 at the door per person or $75 per couple. Proceeds used to help maintain and preserve Historical Heri- tage Square. Call (910) 483- 6009 for tickets and information. Fort Bragg Fair at Fort Bragg Fairgrounds through May 14. Call (910) 396-9126 for details. Sweet Tea Shakespeare's As You Like LIT at Cape Fear Bo- tanical Garden. Preshow 6:45 p.m. Showtime 7:30 p.m. $25. Call (910) 420-4383 for details. City Market at the Museum at 325 Franklin Street. 2-6 p.m. Visit http://bit. ly/2pVVJzb for more information. Fascinate-U has hands-on ex- hibits and is fun for kids! In our mini-city everything is kid-sized! Call (910) 829-9171 for hours of operation and more information. Fort Bragg Fair at Fort Bragg Fairgrounds through May 14. Call (910) 396-9126 or visit http://bit.ly/2kZLbMm for more information. BULLETIN BOARD WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 6 7 May 20 The Sandhills Sanko- fa Festival takes place at Mendoza Park, a Spring Lake Community event celebrating the African-American culture. Vendor spots open. Call (910) 568-5809 for information. 1 Million Cups at FTCC. Wednesday mornings 9 to 10 a.m. in General Classroom Building, room 114. Visit 1mil- lioncups.com/fayetteville for information. Destiny Now Academy is now enrolling grades pre-K through 12. Register now and receive 50 percent off the application fee. Schedule a school tour with Principal Reaves by calling 910-485- 7383, or visit www.dnacad- emy.org. Scholarship informa- tion available at www.ncseaa. edu. Cape Fear Valley Hospice is seeking volunteers to provide companionship and social support to our patients in the Cumberland County area. Training is provided. Background check and drug screen required. For more information please call 609- 6710. Free Senior Dance the first Thursday of every month, hosted by the Retired Military Association. Call 868-9533 for more information. Blind and visually impaired support group meets the sec- ond Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. Call 739-2799 for more information. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6018 of Fayetteville meets on the second Sunday of each month at 3 p.m. at 116 Chance St. Call 323-3755 for more information. The Retired Military Associa- tion and Auxiliary meet the second Friday of each month at noon for a pot luck lunch and a meeting. Call 486-9398 for more information. Support group for victims of sexual violence. The group meets every Monday at 12 p.m. Please call Rape Crisis Volunteers of Cumber- land County for more infor- mation at 485-7273. Adult females only. Guardian ad Litem Program is in need of volunteers to serve as the voice of children who have been abused and neglected in our county. www. CumberlandCountyGAL.com or 475-3021 for details. 3 WHAT'S UP AND COMING 5 29 27 30 26 28 FORT BRAGG/POPE A.A.F. Bragg 'n Barn Thrift Shop is open Tuesday-Saturday 9a.m.-2p.m. Donations gladly accepted. fbthrifts - hop@aol.com 907-4053. Frame and Design Arts offers framing, engraving, embroidery and more. Call 394-4192 for more informa - tion. Fort Bragg Auto Skills Centers provide bays with lifts, tools and data software or hard copy instructions for vehicle repair. There are certified technicians on hand. Call 394-2293 or 396- 8665 for information. The Fort Bragg Clay Target Center is located at 651 E. Manchester Rd. It is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday through Sunday. Call 436- 9489 for more information. Suicide Prevention info: Fort Bragg Help Line 396- HELP (4357). National Sui - cide Hotline: 1-800-suicide, (800)784-2433, National Lifeline: (800)273-TALK (8255), Military One Source: (800)342-9647. The Recycling Center on Fort Bragg accepts elec- tronic waste, used cooking oil and other recyclables at the facility behind building 3-1137 in the Directorate of Public Works campus on the corner of Butner and Reilly Roads, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. For more information, contact Recycling Specialist Jeff Sloop at 432-6412 or visit sustainablefortbragg. com/braggaboutrecycling/ or www.facebook.com/ braggaboutrecycling. 4

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