The O-town Scene

March 03, 2011

The O-town Scene - Oneonta, NY

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HOME MANAGER F-T management position working as a key team member at a residence for individuals with developmental disabili- ties. Responsible for providing fiscal management, pro- gram system reviews, and staff training and leadership development Must be well organized, mature, responsible, and creative in planning activities for residents and staff. Proficiency in recordkeeping and computer skills a must. Required: HS diploma, GED or CNA, minimum 1 year supervisory experience, 1 year experience working with individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, experience with Microsoft Office, valid NYS driver license, ability to lift 50 lbs. Preferred: Associate’s degree. DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS– SOUTH NEW BERLIN Assist and support individuals with developmental disabili- ties living in a residential setting. Required: H.S. diploma, GED, Home Health Aide or CNA; valid NYS driver license, ability to frequently lift 50 lbs. Direct Support Profession- als with CNA or LPN certification receive wage commen- surate with education. SHIFT COORDINATOR Supervise a team of employees providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities living in a residential setting. Ensure delivery of quality service, serve as a role model to employees and assist the Home Manager. Required: H.S. diploma, or GED; valid NYS driver license, and ability to lift 50 lbs. Preferred: Associ- ate’s degree,1 yr. supervisory experience and/or 1 yr. experience working with disabilities. people with developmental To learn more visit We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, compre- hensive training & career advancement opportunities. To apply send resume to The Arc Otsego, Attn: Human Resources, PO Box 490, Oneonta, NY 13820 or apply in person at 35 Academy St., Oneonta, NY an Equal Opportunity Employer EOE 0-Town Scene March 3, 2011 29

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