CityView Magazine

September/October 2013

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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® sIgNATURE EXPANDABLE WIRE BANgLEs ARMED FORCES SELFLESS | PATRIOTIC | HEROIC Based on the time-honored tradition of service, the military creates heroes that selflessly protect and defend our country's values, liberties and citizens. Pay tribute to the fearless men and women who keep our dreams and nation safe with the valiant Armed Forces collection. EXPAND YOUR COLLECTION AT P R OV I D E N C E | N E W P O RT | C R A N STO N | E AST G R E E N W I C H M A D E I N A M E R I CA W I T H LOV E ™ | W W W. A L E X A N DA N I . C O M FAYETTEvILLE's CROss CREEk MALL RALEIgh | ROCkY MOUNT | gREENvILLE 910.864.1222

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