Sigma Phi Epsilon - Purdue University

Fall 2024 Newsletter

Indiana Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Purdue University

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Sigma Phi Epsilon-Indiana Alpha Purdue University 310 South Arthur Ashe Boulevard Richmond, VA 23220 Address Service Requested FROM THE HEART A PUBLICATION FOR ALUMNI OF INDIANA ALPHA t SIGMA PHI EPSILON A t Homecoming in October, we awarded six scholarships to recognize the hard work and accomplishments of the chapter over the past year. INVEST IN THE NEXT GENERATION Funding for these scholarships comes from an endowment fund with the National Fraternity. If you are interested in donating to ensure scholarships like these can continue, give online via the National Fraternity's website. • Scan the QR code to visit • Search for Purdue University chapter. • Select "Indiana Alpha Leadership Fund." • Enter "Restricted Scholarship" in the comments section. Congratulations, SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS! Indiana Alpha's Charter Is REINSTATED! RUSSELL MATHEWS '27 Member of the Year ($500) Recognized for his contributions to Indiana Alpha in the areas of academics, recruitment, brother development, and overall chapter improvement. BENJAMIN MALIK '28 JOSEPH URBAN '28 Outstanding New Members ($150 each) ALEXANDER DERBYSHIRE '25 Senior Contribution Award ($200) JOSHUA MANSKY '26 Sound Mind Award ($500) Recognized for their contributions to Indiana Alpha's pursuit to implement Sound Mind principals as one of the critical focus areas of the Balanced Man Program. JONATHYN HERRO '27 Sound Body Award ($500) SCAN HERE! W e are pleased to share that Sigma Phi Epsilon's Board of Directors has voted to reinstate Indiana Alpha's charter! This is fantastic news for our brotherhood at Purdue University, and we look forward to a bright future for Indiana Alpha Chapter. The undergraduates were recently informed at 690 Waldron that they were no longer a colony but finally a recognized chapter after more than five years of hard work to be reinstated. We are planning a banquet for the formal handing over of the charter, so stay tuned for more information. Watch our brothers receive the big news!

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