Sigma Chi - Gettysburg College

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Theta Chapter of Sigma Chi at Gettysburg College

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The BATTLEFIELD SIG theta Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at Gettysburg college SIGMA CHI Gettysburg College P.O. Box 442100 Lawrence, KS 66044-2100 Address Service Requested Parker Cohen '26 Maitland, Fla. Brian Fernandez-Nunez '26 New Castle, Del. Tyler Hillson '26 Gettysburg, Pa. Dan Nguyen '26 Hanoi, Vietnam Welcome, New Brothers! D o you know of an incoming freshman who is a quality man? Send our recruitment team his information and why you think he'll be a great addition to Sigma Chi to either Recruitment Chairman Alex McDonnell '26 at or (203) 451-5910 or Tribune Joe Curry '25 at or (908) 319-4394. Join us in finding the right men to bring Theta Chapter to new heights! Send Us Your Recruitment Recommendations Calling All Alumni! U pdate your email today to stay in the know about our chapter's exciting events and updates. From meaningful reunions to memorable events, your involvement means the world to our brotherhood, and we want to keep you in the loop! Updating your information is easy—just send an email to updatemyrecord@ with the subject line "SX Getty Email Update." Thank you for staying informed and involved! Rest assured, your data is safe with us; we're all about reconnecting, not selling information. Is Your Contact Information Current? Exciting Updates Await! Why Sigma Chi? "I was drawn to the profound sense of brotherhood, fostering lifelong connections and support. Being part of Sigma Chi allows me to engage in meaningful relationships while striving toward common goals." –Dan Nguyen '26 "To achieve a lifelong social and familial bond with my peers that I could not find outside of Sigma Chi." –Tyler Hillson '26 "The brothers." –Parker Cohen '26

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