Beta Theta Pi - Purdue University

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University

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BETA MU LINK BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Fall 2023 Strong Brotherhood Beta Mu maintains a strong presence on Purdue's campus in all aspects of college life. I could go on and on about their accomplishments, but it is more eloquently spoken through one of our members, Andrew Kinder '26. Andrew (whose uncle, Mike Kinder '86, serves on our house corporation board), is the recipient of the 2023 Tyler Trent Award for Courage and Resilience and speaks about his Beta brotherhood in a video filmed at the Beta house this summer. Please check it out at It makes you proud of Purdue and Beta Mu and speaks to the quality of the men at 150 Littleton. Beta Eras Connect is summer was memorable for many alumni as we held a successful golf outing in West Lafayette. We had brunch at the house, golfed on the Purdue Golf Course in the aernoon, then enjoyed dinner at Bruno's restaurant. Nearly 100 undergraduates and alumni from all eras were represented, and everyone had a great time. You'll have to trust me when I say we had 100 alumni and undergraduate members there for the outing. I was the photographer and captured a picture on the golf course of the entire group. Unfortunately, I had so much fun there that I lost my digital camera and the photo that was with it! We hope to grow it even larger in the future, so look for some information regarding next year's event and make plans to attend. Maintaining the House e house remains in great condition and is the gold standard on campus. ere's one possible exception to that. As you all know, the house was built in 1927. e original slate roof is showing signs of wear and will need to be replaced. We are committed to maintaining the structure's quality and plan to replace the roof sometime soon with a similar material. Unfortunately, that's an expensive proposition. at's where my normal fundraising pitch comes in. We continue to reduce our debt due to your generous donations and rental income. But this will set us back again, so I am asking all alumni to contribute to the annual campaign. Or, if you are so inclined, we could really use larger tax-deductible gis as well, with the option of a multi-year pledge to spread out the payments. Visit our website for more information. Yours in _kai_, Tom Hoover '82 Beta Mu House Corporation President From left: Mike Cridge '89, Rick Martin '90, Bill Irish '72, and Paul Stickler '91 at the Beta golf outing. Brothers of all ages enjoy brunch at the house before the golf outing. B E TA B O N D S A N D C A M P U S E X C E L L E N C E e Latest at Beta Mu HOMECOMING TAILGATE Sean Klinger '17, Ryan Yoo '21, Austin Wooten '21, and Seth Voegele '19 Mike Delgado, Rob Degan, Tony Weinewski, Pete Weaver, Matt Cridge, Kevin Mayer, Pat Hughes, Paige Hoover, and Lance Scheib Recent alumni mingling with current undergraduates at the tailgate

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