Up & Coming Weekly

April 27, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM APRIL 28 - MAY 4, 2021 UCW 15 KEYURI PARAB, Editorial Assistant COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com 910-484-6200. FEATURE Another ser v ice they offer is the Special Victims Council, which connects the v ic- tim w ith a legal representative to unders- tand their rights, options if and when they want to report the assault, and launch an investigation. "We have t wo reporting options, restric- ted and unrestricted," SAPR Coordinator Karen Smith said. "W hen we have a res- tricted reporting option that means a per- son can make a confidential report, we are not mandated to report to law enforcement or command. Unrestricted t y pe is where the v ictims choose to report it, they want it investigated, and want to hold the subject accountable." The SAPR program offers an expedited transfer for v ictims that make a report to relocate them if needed. "We also offer protective orders," Kelly said. "There's the militar y protective order which covers the militar y post, mandated by the commander, giv ing the v ictim a protective order from their perpetrator." Smith said that a resource offered to all branches of the militar y is the DoD Safe Helpline, and the app can be found on the app store for militar y members and dependents. "It is 100 percent confidential and ano- nymous, available 24-7, you can call, text," Smith said. "Sometimes it may be 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and you can't sleep and you're hav ing triggers, that DoD Safe Helpline is a great resource, and that num- ber is 877-995-5247." The SAPR team has been hosting many events as part of sexual assault awareness month. Some of the events include a v irtu- al 5k, promoting wearing teal, the color for SA AM. The Respect the Rock event found members painting rocks teal w ith mes- sages on them spread throughout the base. They also hosted a door decorating con- test, where participants decorated doors to spread the message of sexual assault awareness. There was also a k ickoff v ideo where several unit commanders joined the SAPR team for a message about being the one, protecting our people and protecting our mission. The v ideo encourages ever yone to be the one to step in, to be the one to see something, say something, be the one to help someone in need. On April 28, they are celebrating International Denim Day and encouraging folks to wear denim. Smith echoed the message from the v ideo that we all have a responsibilit y to be the one to help others in the communi- t y when possible. Gerdes from Rape Crisis Center said often the best thing the communit y can do in terms of support for the v ictims is understand them and believe them. Victim advocate Matthew Kelley said prevention remains a key when addressing sexual assault. "Instead of teaching people when to go out, what to wear, we should be teaching people about what consensual sex actual- ly is and raise and educate people to not commit these crimes," Kelley said. Some of the other organizations that sur v ivors can seek help in Cumberland Count y are the Care Center, Fayettev ille Police Department and the Child Advocacy Center. "We have a great sexual assault advoca- cy team in Cumberland Count y, and I am really, really proud of it," Gerdes said. "Law enforcement, prosecutors, district attorne- ys, legal aid and when I say we are a team, we are absolutely a team — we hold each other accountable. And we are all ver y v ic- tim-centered and that's wonderful." Local Area Resources Rape Crisis of Cumberland County 519 Ramsey St., Fayettev ille 24-Hour Local Hotline: 910-485-7273 National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 Pope Army Airfield SAPR 24/7 Hotline: 910-394-7272 w w w.facebook.com/PopeSAPR1 Fort Bragg Army SHARP Hotline: 910- 584-4267 Fayetteville Vet Center, 2301 Robeson St. #103, Fayettev ille, 910-488-6252 Cohen Clinic: 910-615-3737 SAFE of Harnett County Crisis Line: 910-893-7233 w w w.safeof hc.org Hoke County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center, 225 S. Main St. Raeford Crisis Line: 910-878-0118 Friend to Friend: Carthage Crisis Line: 910-947-3333 w w w.moorefriends.org Victim advocates and volunteers on Pope Army Airfield display rocks painted teal that were placed around the installation to highlight resources available to victims, and to raise awareness of prevention efforts. (Photo courtesy Elenah Kelly) Airmen and civilians on Pope Army Airfield participated in events throughout the month of April to raise awareness of sexual assault prevention efforts. (Photo courtesy 43d Air Mobility Operations Group/Public Affairs)

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