Desert Messenger

November 18, 2020

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Operation Hero Comfort 4 Food Bank updates 5 Christmas Parade 5 Scam alert 6 Editorial 7 The Salvation Army updates 8 Face Coverings 10 Townwide Cleanup 10 Shop Small Saturday 15 Around Town 15 Gardening with Dennis 16 HerbMama 16 Potty Training my phone 17 Child Find Services 17 Mass Gatherings 17 One Day 18 Leaky Blood Vessels 18 Nancy's Kitchen 19 COVID-19 updates 19 Camel Trivia 20 Puzzle Page 21 Holidays and Covid 21 Covid and tribal communities 22 Classifeds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, November 18, 2020 VOL. 17 # 330 Now in our 1 7 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! ������| S������ RAIN G�����-B��� SEE ELECTION PAGE 9 Election results Semi stuck in Tyson Wash... lesson learned? Due to COVID-19 exposure the Quartzsite Elementary, Ehrenberg Elementary and the District offi ce will be closed until further notice. Ehrenberg, AZ - In an undated letter to parents posted on their web- site, Quartzsite School District Superintendent Raquel Burton wrote, "We received notifi cation that a staff member at WACOG Head Start tested positive for COVID-19." The letter was originally posted on No- vember 10th to inform parents of a possible exposure if a child or other people may have been in contact with any WACOG personnel between Monday, October 19 - Tuesday, November 10th. The Head Start, Quartzsite Elementary, and Ehrenberg Elementary, and the district offi ces will be closed for the next 2 weeks. Staff will be working remotely and should not have a disruption in a child's educa- tion. If you have a child that attends WACOG or other family mem- bers are experiencing symptoms please seek care or be tested. If any students have been exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19, please report this to our offi ce. This information will be kept confi dential. QESD Board of Directors scheduled meeting of Thursday, Nov.12 was cancelled due to lack of quorum, as was a special meeting for Mon- day, November 16th. Board President Monica Timberlake said she was ready and able to attend, but other board members failed to show up. She is trying to schedule another meeting later this week. For more information about COVID-19 please visit the Center for Disease Control at or the Arizona Department of Health Services at If you have any questions about the schedule you can email or call 928 923-7900. COVID-19 exposure closes schools La Paz County had a voter turnout of 68.95% for the November 3rd, 2020 General Election. Registered voters: 10,909; 7,522 Ballots cast. Quartzsite Town Council Member Karey Amon narrowly won re- election, beating challenger Dennis Vosper by only 3 votes. With 472 votes, Amon received 49.12%; Vosper received 469 votes, 48.80%. According to Kevin Scholl, La Paz Co. Elections Director, "There will not be a recount in the Amon/Vosper race as there is greater than one tenth of one percent (which would be one vote margin). The race is a 3 vote margin therefore it will not enter into the automatic re- count margin." Quartzsite Elementary School Dist. 4 Kelly Simpson received 861 votes (40.52%) and Kathy Theve- nin received 610 votes (28.71%) winning the two positions open. Michael Clowser White received 524 votes (24.66%) and Write-in candidate Pamela Keelin received 104 votes (4.89%) La Paz County Sheriff race was the most talked about race in the county. Quartzsite Police Chief William Ponce (D) will be the new Sheriff with 4,998 votes (69.05%); Felipe "Philip" Rodriguez (D) re- ceived 1,276 votes for 17.63% and Mike Roth (IND) received 933 votes (12.89%.) In the presidential race, 68.64% of La Paz County voters voted for Trump/Pence (R) while 29.93% vot- ed for Biden/Harris (D), and 1.24% voted for Jorgensen/Cohen (LBT.) For US Senator: 65.80% voted for Martha McSally, and 33.91% voted for Mark Kelly For US Representative District 4: 71.06% voted for Paul Gosar (R) and 28.66% voted for Delina Disanto (D)

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