Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University
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BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Fall 2020 N ot unlike the rest of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on campus life at Purdue and Beta Mu. As mentioned over the summer, there was a significant effort to protect the brothers and develop a safe environment to live. The university has really been a leading institution in navigating the pursuit of higher education while balancing the risks of the pandemic. Despite all of those preparations, there are still pitfalls. In the case of Beta Mu, there was a positive COVID-19 test result right before classes started. That person was removed from the house, but university officials deemed it necessary to quarantine the entire house for two weeks. Brothers weren't allowed to attend classes in person and were basically forced to stay on the property or go home. After the quarantine was over, everyone tested negative and was allowed to resume "normal" campus life, given the rules defined by the Protect Purdue pledge. Since then, the brothers have stepped up to the challenge and implemented additional measures to hopefully eliminate a full-house quarantine should another positive case occur. We're still monitoring the situation and will provide assistance as needed. During this period, there was a conscious effort to avoid any discussion about fundraising. The economic impact affected everyone and we felt it wasn't appropriate to solicit donations during these uncertain times. Of course, we aren't out of the woods yet with the virus, but it's time again to address our financial debt. This summer, we were required to refinance our balloon mortgage that was initiated after our 2015 renovations. We were uncertain on whether the house would open this fall due to COVID-19 and university decisions, and the potential of not having the rent income was a real possibility. As a result, we took on additional debt so we could maintain enough cash reserves to cover the mortgage payments. For the moment, that problem has been minimized, but we still have many financial challenges. As mentioned in my summer email update, we made a $27,000 investment in the internet so every brother could participate in remote learning, if necessary. That became crucial when they were quarantined at the beginning of the semester following the positive COVID-19 test. We also let several brothers out of their housing contract over the summer, as they had health concerns over living in the house during the pandemic. So, we will be continuing our capital campaign fundraising efforts. For those who have given recently, we thank you for your support and ask you to consider extending your commitment in the future. For others, please consider a one-time donation or multi-year pledge. Contributions can be easily made through our website, Tax-deductible donations are encouraged for those who can benefit from that option. Finally, I want to remind everyone that there will be no Homecoming event this year. Although football has been given a new life in the Big Ten, it is appropriate to forgo any activity that puts social distancing guidelines (and the health of our alumni and undergraduate brothers) at risk. Yours in _kai_, Tom Hoover '82 Beta Mu House Corporation President KEEPING OUR UNDERGRADUATE BROTHERS SAFE DURING THE PANDEMIC Capital Campaign Fundraising Efforts Resume The dining room line with divider and plexiglass shield for the chef 's protection. Weight equipment has been brought in so brothers can avoid potentially contracting COVID-19 at the Co-Rec. Brothers social distance in the dining room during a meal. Hand sanitizer stations have been installed throughout the house.