CityView Magazine

October 2020

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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Clearview Property Management has been in business almost 20 years. The growth in properties has been steady and we have had to expand our property management team and office staff to offer our tenants and home owners the best rental experience possible. Please contact us with any questions or concerns today! Call 910.222.HOME today to learn more. Have you ever considered making the transition from renting to buying your own home? NOW IS THE BEST TIME EVER FOR BUYERS & SELLERS Our experienced team is here to assist you every step of the way. Let us show you how easy your transition can be! w w w. r e n tc l e a r v i ew. c o m Property Management WITH A CLEAR VIEW! Call 910.221.RENT to learn more. Applicant Screening A ccounting Property Inspection Maintenance and repairs Rent Collection & Legal Proceedings There are NO set up charges! We offer competitive management fees that are collected only on rental income received. Get the most out of your investment. Allow us to set you up on a buyer's search program (constant e-mails to include everything new on the market that meets your criteria) Available 7 days a week at your convenience Are you currently one of Clearview's rental tenants? No worries, we work closely with you and your owner to allow termination of lease and with the new tenant for homeowner benefit. T ake a FREE first time home buyers class and close on your new home with Miranda McCoy Law Firm. . . . all your buying needs under one roof!

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