Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Purdue University

Spring 2020 Newsletter

Indiana Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Purdue University

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Page 2 Phoenix Rising Society ($250,000 and above) Anonymous William P. Madar Jr. '61 Roger B. Gatewood '68 Indiana Beta Actives Lion's Legacy Society ($100,000 to $249,999) William N. Vinovich '62 Norman P. Blake Jr. '64 Philip Wagner '64 In memory of Tom Bauman '61 William D. Schmicker '65 Phi Alpha Society ($50,000 to $99,999) Lewis G. Green Jr. '60 Keith A. Johnson '63 Jared Heindel '64 William R. Litzler '64 Wayne F. McIntyre '64 Mark S. Hopkins '79 Randal A. Sergesketter '80 Karen and Bill Frederick '82 Geoff Cubitt '91 406 Littleton Society ($25,000 to $49,999) David A. Bigler '58 Charles W. Ashing III '59 E. Brian Smith '60 Edward F. Chouinard '63 Lynn R. Coy '64 Jack R. Harris '64 William S. Toth '65 Dr. Michael Stillabower '66 Michael B. Veon '66 Andrew E. Cummins Jr. '67 Thomas A. Irmscher '67 Thomas D. Wilson Jr. '67 Robert W. Rush '70 Barry R. Smith '77 Margiotta Family Gift Sean M. Margiotta '87 Drake M. Margiotta '89 Brian A. Demkowicz '88 Brian J. Thomeczek '00 Purple and Gold Society ($15,000 to $24,999) C. Charles Dauk Jr. '96 Indiana Beta Society ($10,000 to $14,999) Anonymous In memory of Larry Guffin '65 and Steve Norcross '65 Charles Kehrt '59 Gary E. Mitchell '60 Robert H. Frushour II '63 Charles H. Alexander '64 Maurice D. Galey Jr. '85 Michael J. Rowley '91 Ashish P. Bhagwanjee '97 Founder's Society ($5,000 to $9,999) Robert S. Sternberger '42 James W. Love '49 James A. Whitmer '52 In memory of Robert D. Whitmer '49 A. Russell Quilhot '55 John S. Castell '56 George M. Scalise '56 Ray H. Spiess '58 Leonard W. Busse '60 Thomas F. Hanshaw '60 In memory of Matthew and Dewhurst Hanshaw Charles H. Schroeder '60 John C. Coulson '61 Dick Glass '61 Larry G. Salsbury '62 Reid Brodie III '63 Stephen E. Egger '63 Bruce T. Cundiff Jr. '65 James H. Rogers '65 In memory of Ronald D. Fell '64 William Bultman '67 James C. Fisher '70 Robert L. Parrin '72 Charles J. Weber '72 Dr. David Morgan '73 Timothy J. Racke '73 John M. Speicher '75 William J. McConnell '80 Kyle D. Johnson '83 In memory of Gary L. Bullard '83 Jonathan F. Staub '83 Jeffrey S. Hughart '86 Todd A. Heemsoth '87 Donald Myers '87 David A. Owens '88 James Prough '89 Christopher W. Haas '90 Laura and Gregory O'Daniel '90 Kevin M. Dolen '91 Tony Page '91 James T. O'Shaughnessy '92 Gregory J. Vogelman '96 Thor Benson '97 Jason Tuscher '97 Boilermaker Society ($2,500 to $4,999) Neal B. Royer '51 Richard W. Butler '53 James H. Lowe '53 In memory of Paul Campbell '54 Richard O. Dudley '55 Donald H. Morton '57 Thomas E. Wurster Sr. '57 Donald G. Halliday '58 H. Bailey Terry Jr. '58 Robert L. Christen '59 In memory of Fred Christen '52 Ron Martin '60 William S. Anderson '63 Charles M. Jensen '63 Ken Schaefer '63 Michael Leahy '64 Bill Cupp '67 James E. Kane Jr. '68 and William M Stover '68 In memory of Ross R. Ritchey '68 Donald S. Meck '71 Thomas B. Poole '83 Theodore R. Clemens '84 Roy Heimbrock Jr. '84 David A. Boss '85 Mark Dilts '85 In memory of The Dilts Boys James A. Skurner '95 Anthony Roberts '98 Chris King '08 Kevin M. Finley '15 Friends Society (Up to $2,499) Kathleen Borlik In memory of Thomas E. Wurster '57 Roz Redman Dick In memory of Thomas E. Wurster '57 and Robert M. Redman '57 Nancy Liber In memory of Jack Liber '60, who valued the lifelong friendships of Charlie Kehrt '59 and Bob Butler '60 Elaine Van Lue In memory of William J. Van Lue '56 James R. Wiltman Philip N. Clark '51 A. Thomas Sprich III '53 Thomas W. Bloodgood '55 In memory of Don Bloodgood '50 Virgil G. Burkhardt '55 Edward B. Brant '56 Robert F. Lark '56 Donn B. Whitmer '56 Herman R. Menck '57 Jon A. Nuss '57 John H. Hager '58 Lawrence O. Beck '59 Lloyd C. Cooper '59 Russell A. Nippert '59 Bill Kayser '60 In honor of Fred Richter '60 Success Is Dependent on Effort Loyal Alumni Give Over $2.7 Million to Purdue ΣΑΕ W e sincerely thank the following alumni and friends for giving $2,725,562 to A Tradition of Excellence: The Campaign for Indiana Beta. Their efforts have already made a tremendous difference in the future of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Purdue. We hope anyone who has yet to contribute will join the ranks of these leaders in our campaign today. Gifts of any size are encouraged and appreciated as we work together to set Purdue ΣΑΕ up for success well into the future. Your ΣΑΕ legacy does not end when you leave the chapter house—it lives on through the brothers who follow in your footsteps. Remember, each donor contributing $5,000 or more will be recognized on a prominently displayed plaque in the renovated chapter house. If you feel an error has been made in recording your gift, we sincerely apologize. Please contact our campaign coordinator at (785) 843-1661 with any corrections. Join your brothers on this list by using the enclosed pledge form and envelope to make your pledge today. Thank you for making a difference at Purdue ΣAE! Campaign Status At-a-Glance As of April 13, 2020 $5 Million Fundraising Goal $2,725,562 in Contributions 202 Pledges to Date 14% Participation Want to make your gift online? Visit today!

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