Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM MARCH 6-12, 2019 UCW 13 Cape Fear Regional eatre brings "Trumbo" to Fayetteville March 5-17. In today's politi- cally charged climate, the story of Dalton Trumbo, a prolific and talented Hollywood screenwriter whose work spans seven decades of the 20th century, serves as quite a cautionary tale about the lack of due process run wild. Before Trumbo was named as a member of the Communist Party — which was not illegal — and subsequently blacklisted and prohibited from working in films or any other entertain- ment medium, he was one of the highest-paid screenwriters in Hollywood. His films were routinely nominated for Acad- emy Awards. In 1947, Trumbo, citing freedom of speech, refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee or to give the committee the names of others in Hollywood with Communist sympathies. He was convicted of contempt of Congress and served 11 months in jail. us began the Hollywood blacklist, which extend- ed to Broadway, radio and television. Before the blacklist came to an end in the 1960s, an appallingly long list of entertainment person- alities were deprived of their livelihoods. Hard evidence of Communist infiltration or subversion of the entertainment industry was never uncovered, yet hundreds of people's lives were ruined without due process and by finger pointing alone. Larry Pine plays Trumbo in CFRT's production of the same name. He's acted in "All My Children," "As the World Turns," "Grand Budapest Hotel" and "House of Cards" among many other television and film credits. "Trumbo" was written by Trumbo's son, Christopher, and is directed by CFRT Artistic Director Mary Kate Burke. Despite the serious backdrop of Trumbo's professional life, the play is warm and witty, told through personal letters. "Trumbo was such a magnificent writer," said Burke. "His use of language and his wit make 'Trum- bo' a very funny ... and irreverent play, and Larry is an actor who is able to put the language across. "Trumbo is a role that actors who have a substan- tial body of work behind them are excited to take on." One example of Trumbo's legendary wit was his response to his contempt of Congress conviction. "As far as I was concerned," Trumbo is famously quoted as saying, "it was a completely just verdict. I had contempt for that Congress and have had con- tempt for several since. "And on the basis of guilt or innocence, I could nev- er really complain very much. at this was a crime or misdemeanor was the complaint, my complaint." Michael Tisdale plays Trumbo's son, Chris. He also voices the narrator and all other characters as they appear in the script. Andy Nicks is designing the costumes. ere will be no set for "Trumbo." "is show is going to be staged as 'Disgraced' was last year," said Burke. "We use risers so that the audi- ence surrounds the actors on three sides in what is known as thrust theater. ere was such positive audience reaction to the staging of 'Disgraced' that we decided to use this more intimate staging again for 'Trumbo.'" "Trumbo" promises to be a relevant and enter- taining evening. For performance dates and ticket information, contact the CFRT box office at 910- 323-4233 or visit www.cfrt.org. Box office hours are 1-6 p.m. Tuesday-Friday and one hour before the show on Saturdays and Sundays. Cape Fear Regional Theatre presents 'Trumbo' by PRUDENCE MAINOR EVENT Larry Pine plays Dalton Trumbo, one of the Hollywood Ten who was blacklisted in the mid-1900s. PRUDENCE MAINOR, Contributing Writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcom- ingweekly.com 910-484-6200. Choose from programs in the following areas leading to award of associate degree, certificate, and diploma: Business, Computer Technology, Engineering/Applied Technology, Health, Public Service, Arts & Humanities, Math & Sciences Spring II 8-week classes begin March 14! The SMART choice for education! 8-week classes are a great way to stay ahead of schedule or catch up on required classes for graduation! (910) 678-8400 • www.faytechcc.edu Register now! Register at the Tony Rand Student Center, Spring Lake Campus, or Fort Bragg Training & Education Center. Admissions representatives and counselors available to assist!