Pi Kappa Alpha - Missouri State University

Spring 2018 Newsletter

Zeta Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri State University

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THE ZETA CHI PIKELINE 2 ENSURE ZETA CHI'S FUTURE Add Your Name to the Donor List Today Phi Phi Club ($1,000 and Above) Will Perry '83 Jeff Counts '90 Garnet & Gold Club ($500 to $999) John Ellis '71 Richard Niewald '72 Craig Niederstadt '74 Mike Pearson '75 Andrew Waddell '91 1969 Club ($250 to $499) Mac Humphries '71 W. Steve Leeper '71 Barry Johnson '72 Dave Stewart '73 Jeff Sheets '75 Kenneth Rahmeyer '76 Jim Wilson '81 Bruce Brown '85 Bron Launsby '91 Matthew Parker '92 Troy Duncan'90 Distinguished Alumni Club ($100 to $249) Thomas Dickey '69 James Holt '69 Bruce Sassman '69 Joseph Gutknecht '70 Timothy Elder '71 Mike Cully '71 Joe Callahan '72 Phil Robertson '72 Gary Burgess '73 Mark Johnson '73 Michael Shank '73 Kent McPhail '74 Jay Nicholson '75 Kirk Perkins '75 Robert Appling '76 Kevin Green '76 Dave Barrett '77 D. Kim Hancock '77 Brian Noble '77 Kevin Kelly '78 William Byrd III '80 Daniel Findley '80 Alan Hulett '80 Victor Murray '80 Don Ross '80 Robert Horner '83 Lonnie Branson '85 Paul Moyer '85 Tim Nichols '81 Jim Roebuck '81 Scott Harmon '87 Todd Branson '90 Pat McFadden '90 Mike Romanoksi '90 Justin Bayfield '92 Tom Inman '92 Shane T. Hill '93 Greg Schneider '95 Andrew Hoffman '96 Ryan Robinson '09 Tyler Jones '12 Steve Jansen Young Alumni Club ($50 to $99) Zach Dumas '12 Derek Pon '12 W e are deeply grateful to the 62 donors listed below for committing $12,450 to the campaign. These brothers recognize the importance of ensuring the future of Zeta Chi and have demonstrated a sense of gratitude for their personal experience. As we close the 2017 Annual Campaign, we will need even more commitments for the 2018 campaign. There is still time for us to achieve our goals if we can increase our number of donors. Every effort has been made in recording your gift, or your name has been mistakenly omitted, we sincerely apologize. Please advise our campaign coordinator at (785) 856-9583. T he newly renovated home for Missouri State University's college of business is complete with natural lighting and high- tech equipment. While the original building stood for 24 years, the renovations ensure David D. Glass Hall will stand for years to come. Alumni Bill Perry '83 and Jim Wilson '81 took Pi Kappa Alpha's creed to heart by supporting their alma mater and representing Zeta Chi Chapter. The student collaboration zones speak to PIKE's mission to develop men of integrity, intellect, and high moral character. Zeta Chi is lucky to have alumni who strive to represent these aspects on a regular basis. PIKE ALUMNI PLAY VITAL ROLE IN GLASS HALL RENOVATIONS Bill Perry '83 and Jim Wilson '81 Support Academic Excellence somehow we found a reason to argue. I loved Bob dearly back in the day, and he would, in fact, serve with me at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1987-88. He was a Battery Executive Officer in an 8-inch nuclear capable howitzer battalion next door to my battalion. " Bill has many fond memories of the relationships made in the fraternity, but since taking a more active role, his view of the chapter has evolved. "I am frankly in awe of the Zeta Chi's current accomplishments, be it academic excellence, community engagement, sports, and their new chapter house. The undergraduates are impressive and clear leaders in the MSU Greek community." Thanks to Jim's call back in 2006, Bill's re- engagement was not limited to Zeta Chi; he also connected with his former ROTC detachment. That led to Bill becoming an executive in residence with the college of business, and that further led to his nomination and election to the college of business board of outside executive advisors. During his 10 years on the board, he and his wife, Heather, would visit campus at least twice a year for board meetings and guest lectures. He created an ROTC scholarship in his father's name (Command Sergeant Major Billy Dean Perry), a highly decorated combat infantryman in Korea and Vietnam, named after his passing in 2009, and a marketing scholarship in the College of Business. Through all of this service, Bill was also proud to contribute to the Glass Hall renovation project and honored when they named an executive class room after him and Heather. Bill and his family live in Frisco, Texas, and he works as a partner for Accenture as managing director. He is responsible for a 120,000-person unit's global delivery excellence and innovation. It is the largest single unit in the company, a 430,000 person strong company. He has worked in more than 35 countries and has accumulated more than 10 million miles with American Airlines. "Through all of this, I have somehow managed to stay married for 20 years and watch my wife raise our now 17-year-old daughter. I am blessed for sure," he said. He can be reached at wdperry@tx.rr.com. (Continued from page 1) DEVELOPING THE TRUE PIKE

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