Up & Coming Weekly

January 09, 2018

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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JANUARY 10-16, 2018 UCW 3 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM V.I.P Early Bird Edition delivered "Free" directly to your computer every week. Sign on today! WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM This Week In Fayetteville WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10 YOGA IN THE GARDEN at Cape Fear Botanical Garden. 6-7 p.m. $5 for non-members. Call 910-486-0221 ext. 36 to register. FAYETTEVILLE "OVER THERE" – CENTENNIAL OF WORLD WAR I at Fayetteville Area Transportation and Local History Museum. Free. Call 910-433-1457 for details. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11 FAYETTEVILLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRESENTS "THE FRENCH CONNECTION" at St. John's Episcopal Church, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Details: fayettevillesymphony.org. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY OBSERVANCE CEREMONY at Fort Bragg's Iron Mike Conference Center, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Hosted by the XVIII Aiborne Corps. Features guest speaker Brigadier Gen. Xavier T. Brunson and a tasting menu celebrating the life of Dr. King. Free. Visit www.bragg.army. mil for details. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY HIKE at Carvers Creek State Park, 3 p.m. Meet in front of the Welcome Center. Free. Details: 910-436-4681. FAYETTEVILLE MARKSMEN VS. ROANOKE RAIL YARD DAWGS at the Crown, 6 p.m. Details: marksmenhockey.com. COLLECTION OF AFRICAN AND AFRICAN-AMERICAN ART at Ellington-White Contemporary Gallery through Feb. 25. Details: 910-483-138. SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. WORSHIP SERVICE at Manna Church. 5 p.m. Free. Visit www. fayettevillemincouncil.org for details. "CLASSIC NASHVILLE ROADSHOW, PART II: THE SEQUENED SEQUEL" at Temple theatre in Sanford. Get swept back in time with songs made famous by Dolly, Hank, Patsy, Tammy, George, Merle and many more. For tickets and information, call (910) 774-4512 or visit www.templeshows.com. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. PARADE in downtown Fayetteville, noon. The parade will proceed from Person Street to Hay Street, ending on Winslow Avenue. Rep. Elmer Floyd, D, N.C., will serve as grand marshal .

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