20 UCW JANUARY 10-16, 2018
Hope Mills News & Views
Happy New Year! Hope Mills' 2017 year in review
Earlier this year, previous Commissioner Edwin Deaver, Mayor
Warner and previous Mayor Pro Tem Gorman accepted the County
Appearance Award for Hope Mills' gateway signs. Gorman died
Nov. 4, leaving a legacy of public service.
In November, the town re-elected Mayor Jackie Warner and elected a board of commissioners with new and returning faces: Pat Edwards, Jerry Legge, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Mitchell,
Jessie Bellflowers and Meg Larson.
It was a busy and productive year for Hope Mills. Here are just a few of the best things the town saw in 2017.
Pat Edwards Jessie Bellflowers
Jerry Legge Mike Mitchell
Meg Larson
In September, Hope Meals kicked off, offering
residents a delicious variety of food truck options.
e Hope Mills Citizens Academy, which started in
September, taught community members about the inner
workings of town government. Topics ranged from how
the Hope Mills Fire Department functions to how the an-
nual budget is created.
In December, Up & Coming
Weekly, the Hope Mills Chamber of
Commerce and the town of Hope
Mills collaboratively presented
the Hope Mills Initiative, a forum
where the town's growth goals
were communicated and ways to
participate were explained.