JANUARY 10-16, 2018 UCW 13
The greater Fayetteville Cumberland
County Ministerial Council presents
the "25th Year Honoring MLK's Legacy"
Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast Monday,
Jan. 15, at 8 a.m. at the Crown Expo Center.
The theme this year is "One Nation, One
People: One Community, Fayetteville."
"The theme echoes Dr. King himself as it
relates to love of the community, being a na-
tion of diversity, difference of opinion, dif-
ferent approaches to addressing matters of
concern and for the sake of the love of com-
munity, we don't allow differences to cause
an imbalance," said Dr. Maxie Dobson, vice
president of the Fayetteville Cumberland
County Ministerial Council. "This year
we will have singing, as usual, from choirs
and groups and the collective singing of
the 'Black American National Anthem.'"
Dobson added that the event will follow the
same format as past MLK breakfasts.
The keynote speaker is Bishop Charles
H. Ellis III, senior pastor of Greater Grace
Temple in Detroit, Michigan.
"We are particularly excited about our
special keynote speaker, Bishop Ellis,"
said Dobson. "He is a very personable and
approachable person who is very busy. He
is indirectly connected to the Civil Rights
icon Rosa Parks because his church hosted
her homegoing services, and that was a
grand affair." Parks lived in Detroit for
many years after she moved from Alabama,
and she passed away in 2005.
"We are looking for it to be our best one
because this is the milestone 25th year
that the Ministerial Council has sponsored
this event, and that makes it more special
and particularly satisfying," said Dobson.
"We are very grateful for the community at
large because this is an event that is almost
a common staple and a gathering that has
no second thought, and the majority are
reoccurring attendees."
Dobson said the event is the best-attended
gathering of its kind in the state of North
Carolina and that it says something about the
community that we would commit ourselves
together and revisit the opportunities before
us in the spirit of the legacy of Dr. King.
Ticket cost is $20 in advance or $23 at the
door. For more information, visit
w w w.fayettevillemincouncil.org.
25 years of honoring Dr. King's legacy
cipal, WT Brown Elementary School.
COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin-
gweekly.com. 910-484-6200.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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