Up & Coming Weekly

December 19, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2017 UCW 11 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM From pirates to Indiana Jones, who doesn't enjoy a treasure hunt? Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation presents Christ- mas Orienteering Day, Friday, Dec. 22, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at Lake Rim Park. It's a great opportunit y to get outdoors and learn some- thing new while having an adven- ture the whole family can enjoy. "Or ienteer ing is when you use a compass to f ind a spot on a map," sa id Jacob Brow n, pa rk ra nger at La ke R im Pa rk. "For t he Chr ist mas Or ienteer ing Day, we w i l l prov ide people w it h maps when t hey come in, a nd dif fer- ent spots w i l l be ma rked; each of t hem a re numbered." Brow n added t hat pa r t icipa nts w i l l have to use a compass a nd t y pog raph- ic map to f ind t hose spots a long t he t ra i l, a nd t hen t hey w i l l have to copy dow n a sy mbol fou nd at t hat locat ion. La ke R im Pa rk has a m i le-long t ra i l t hat loops a round t he base- ba l l, soccer a nd footba l l f ields. "Most of t he spots t hat t he pa r- t icipa nts w i l l have to f ind w i l l be located r ig ht of f t he t ra i l," sa id Brow n. "Some of t hem you have to go into t he woods to locate." Brow n added t hat pa r t icipa nts w i l l receive pr izes when t hey f ind t he eig ht dif ferent locat ions. The purpose of t he event is to educate t he public on certain outdoor sk ills. "We do all sorts of different programs to bring in t he public, and orienteering is a good sk ill to have – especially w it h a lot of militar y folks around," said Brow n. "They want to teach t heir k ids a litt le about using t he com- pass and t he t hings t hey have to do at work." T he event is f ree a nd open to t he public. A l l ages a re welcome. Ca l l to reg ister because space is lim ited. For more infor mat ion, ca l l (910) 433-1018. Lake Rim Park hosts Christmas Orienteering Day by DR. SHANESSA FENNER EVENTS DR. SHANESSA FENNER, Principal, WT Brown Elemen- tary School. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. (910) 484-6200. The purpose of the event is to educate the public on certain outdoor skills. Photo Credit: Jamie Street Our experienced staff will help you coordinate an event that Santa & the entire guest list will be impressed with! AT THE RAMADA PLAZA AT BORDEAUX 1707 OWEN DRIVE | FAYETTEVILLE NC 28304 | 910.323.0111 BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY DINNER PARTY WITH US SUNDAYS - WEDNESDAYS AND RECEIVE HALF OFF YOUR FUNCTION ROOM RENTAL. MEALS AS LOW AS $24 PER PERSON! HOLIDAYS

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