Gamma Theta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Mississippi State University
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Order of West Range ($100,000 and Above) Turner A. Wingo '64 Johnny "Frankie" Box '68 Shield & Diamond Society ($50,000 to $99,999) Jerry S. Lee '66 Rodger L. Johnson '67 Charles T. Cumbaa '72 Paul B. Murphy Jr. '79 Garnet & Gold Society ($25,000 to $49,999) Gamma eta Chapter In honor of alumni past and present Paul W. Pierce III '58 In memory of Donald E. Fancher '58 Frank F. Gallaher Jr. '65 William "Allen" Kitchens '66 In memory of Tom "Bear" Anderton '67 Niles Withers '66 Paul R. Snider '88 Reed Nelson '96 William A. Draper '97 Garrett A. Goodman '97 Owen King '99 Jack D. Cook III '02 Dagger & Key Society ($15,000 to $24,999) Briscoe Family Gi Jimmy Briscoe '68 Richard H. Briscoe Sr. '76 Richard H. Briscoe Jr. '09 Mark Briscoe '11 In memory of Chan Blount '68 Charles "Tom" Webb '66 In memory of 2nd Lt. Bob McCracken '66 Dean K. Wingo '67 Jan L. Gwin '68 In memory of Julius P. Gwin '57 Andrew B. Labas '98 Percy Quinn '98 Founders Society ($10,000 to $14,999) Anonymous In memory of Melvin Ray Dykes '70 Charles "Chuck" Miner '61 William S. Ayres '70 In memory of Victor L. Ayres '32 George D. Sherman Jr. '70 Louis S. Crumbley Jr. '71 In memory of Louis S. Crumbley Sr. '37 Kelly Daniels '79 Skipper Holliman '84 L. Allen Langford '91 W. Gentry Long IV '91 Joshua M. Harkins '94 Christopher L. Lewis '94 H. Randolph Cheek '01 Oak Society ($5,000 to $9,999) Coast Rats Charles D. Guess, M.D. '59 Harry M. Freeman '62 In memory of Jack Kluck Jr. '63 M. Kendall Lancaster '62 In memory of Chuck Steinwinder '61 Lawrence E. Wilson '63 In memory of Jack R. Lichte Jr. '61 Jack Kluck '63 Victor L. McDearman Jr. '63 Henry G. Vick Jr. '64 Jerry F. White '64 Harold A. Kergosien '66 Donald W. Smith '66 Richard R. Ellington '67 In memory of his roommate John F. Salmon '67 In honor of Eddie Keith '67 Doug R. Holden '67 Edwin Keith '67 In memory of John Salmon '67 George R. Marx '67 Donald R. ompson '67 omas J. Buin '68 Dr. Charles R. Graham '68 Bert A. Robinson III '69 Davis Walton '69 Ivan L. Hand Jr. '71 Michael E. Hicks '72 Robert "Britt" Virden '86 Shawn Hunter '89 Timothy S. Duncan '92 Trey Heigle '92 Britt S. omas '93 Jason B. Goolsby '98 Kristofer "Ryan" Saffle '00 Melissa and John M. Gwin '01 Cy P. Young '01 Gamma eta Society ($2,500 to $4,999) Gwin Family Gi In honor of Johnny Gwin III '62, Sky King, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Gwin '68, Paul Gwin, Katie Gwin Jenkins, and Linda F. Gwin omas G. Salmon Jr., DDS '56 In memory of John T. Salmon '27, omas G. Salmon '28, and John F. Salmon '67 Robert H. Scott '57 In memory of John Salmon Jimmy V. Ormon '60 Jay Finger '62 In memory of Sidney A. Nicholson '64 Jimmy W. Atwood '65 Vincent C. "Sandy" Jackson Jr. '65 In memory of Price Holmes omas H. Lawson '65 Claude L. Manderson II '65 David M. Ratcliff '66 Hardy C. Kergosien '66 James H. Cummins '66 omas E. Tyler '66 Albert P. Walton '66 In memory of Joseph C. Walton '75 Larry F. Wright '66 David B. Allen '67 omas H. Raggett Jr. '67 Ronald P. Landrum '67 Benjamin W. Allen III '68 James L. Jarman, DVM '68 Ken L. McDougal '68 G.M. Gallaspy Jr. '68 J. Daniel Garrick '69 John K. Jordan '69 omas S. Lea '69 H.L. "Rusty" Ellis '70 Ab C. Jones '70 In honor of Stanely Ayres '70 Michael "David" Mars '70 Kenneth W. McKay Jr. '70 James T. Blakney '71 Hampton D. Williams, M.D. '71 Clinton L. Doby Jr. '72 David A. King '73 Ted W. Roman '73 Craig N. Landrum '74 In memory of Terry M. Landrum and In honor of Ronald P. Landrum '67 Don L. Landrum '75 Bill W. Patrick '75 omas S. Jones '76 W. Stan McMikle '76 Tom N. Smith '77 Dan R. Craig '79 Richard Cowart Jr. '80 In memory of Curtis E. Huntly Jack D. Holmes '80 In memory of Robert Jefferson '81 and David McMichael '81 Robert M. Mashburn Jr. '80 R. Kent Waits '82 Tom D. Cox '90 Bobby T. Stringer '90 Bo Hemphill '91 W. Gentry Long IV '91 In memory of David McMichael '91 Jeff T. Burkley '91 In loving memory of David "MaGoo" McMichael '91 Michael W. McCool '93 Richard L. Shaner '93 Jason P. Long '94 Forrest "Tony" Parrish '96 K. Nowell Agent Jr. '91 David S. Pace '97 Daniel J. Ryder '97 Jonathan B. Foy '00 Wesley J. Carter '01 W e are deeply grateful to the 191 donors listed below for committing $1,241,320 to A Legendary Past, Ensuring Our Future capital campaign. ese brothers recognize the importance of ensuring the future of Gamma eta and have demonstrated a sense of gratitude for their personal experience. Commitments are still needed from the rest of our alumni to achieve our goal and complete this major project. All donors contributing a minimum of $2,500 over a five-year period will be recognized on a plaque prominently displayed in the renovated chapter house. If an effort has been made in recording your gi, or your name has been mistakenly omitted, we sincerely apologize. Please advise our campaign coordinator at (785) 856-9583. THANK YOU, GENEROUS BROTHERS Help Us Reach Our $1.5 Million Goal Visit to make an online gi. Ensure Gamma eta's future and add your name to the donor list!