Up & Coming Weekly

August 01, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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AUGUST 2 - 8, 2017, 2017 UCW 13 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Across from Campus of Fayetteville State University Properly dispose of all unused and outdated prescription and over the counter medications. Medications can be dropped off, no questions asked, Wednesday August 9th, at the Murchison Road Community Farmers' Market, 10A - 2P, Bronco Square. For information call 910-433-1529. MEDICATION DROP OPERATION AUGUST 9th RAMADA PLAZA AT BORDEAUX Our CAFÉ BORDEAUX serves you hot breakfast and lunch daily. The place to meet for a quick breakfast or lunch at a great price. Top off your day with a relaxing dinner and drinks in our SPORTS BAR. We are your event venue to host 10 – 1,000 GUESTS. 33,000 SQ FEET of flexible meeting space. 1707 OWEN DRIVE | FAYETTEVILLE NC 28304 | 910.323.0111 10% OFF Your Next food order in our Café Bordeaux or Bordeaux Sports Bar. BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT WITH US! Bud Light presents headlining act and countr y artist Kasey Tyndall Friday, Aug. 11, at 8 p.m. in Festi- val Park for the Fayetteville After 5 concert series. The opening perfor- mance will feature countr y artist Faith Bardill. "Fayetteville After 5 is a summer concert series and the purpose is to provide a free concert for the communit y that raises money for the next event," said Sarah Suggs, marketing and events coordinator for the Fayetteville Dog wood Festi- val. "We are a nonprofit organization so whatever money we make in one event rolls over into the next event in order to make all of our events free to the communit y." Suggs add- ed that this is the last concert of the summer concert series. Kasey Tyndall is from Green- ville, North Carolina. She has performed at local festivals and opened for countr y music art- ist Jason Michael Carroll. Her newly released single "Ever y- thing is Texas" is a heartfelt song about how the guy she loved disappeared on her with no explanation. Faith Bardill is from Sanford. She won the 2016 Carolina Music Awards "Countr y Female Artist of the Year" and the 2015 Carolina Music Awards "Teen Artist of the Year." Her band plays modern countr y, classic countr y and classic rock. Some of her songs include "Walk Out" and "Takin Me Down." There will be food trucks on site that include R Burger, Tony's Concessions, Carolina Tropical Ice, Chef Glenn and many more. Beer will also be sold. "We encourage ever yone to arrive early for the concert," said Suggs. "Please come and enjoy the fun and excitement." Gates open at 5 p.m. for this free concert. No outside food, coolers or beverages are allowed within the park. Bring your blankets and chairs to enjoy the event. For more infor- mation, call (910) 323-1934. Fayetteville After 5 Rocks Festival Park by DR. SHANESSA FENNER EVENTS Kasey Tyndall is set to perform at Fayetteville After 5 on Aug. 11. Photo credit Aaron Stearns. DR. SHANESSA FENNER, Prin- cipal, WT Brown Elementary School. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. (910) 484-6200. Advertising Grow Your Business For effective advertising, Call 910.484.6200 today! www.upandcomingweekly.com

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