Up & Coming Weekly

August 01, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/856165

Contents of this Issue


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AUGUST 2 - 8, 2017 UCW 21 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM For more information about any chamber events, or to purchase tickets, call (910) 423-4314. August BUSINESS OF THE MONTH 2731 Hope Mills Road (910) 426-4956 Congratulations to Cape Fear Flooring and Restoration for being our August Business of the Month August 7th and 13th - Town Hall Board Meetings, Location: Town Hall, Bill Luther Room, 5770 Rocksh Road. Time: 7:00pm. August 10th - Hope Mills Chamber Meeting, Location: Chamber Oce, Time: 5:30pm. August 14th - Month Luncheon, Location: Hope Mills Parks and Recreation Center, Time: 12:30pm. Cost for lunch is $10.00. August 8th - Hope Mills Kiwanis Meeting, Location: Sammios in Hope Mills, Time: 12:00pm. Public is welcomed. August 22nd - Hope Mills Kiwanis Meeting, Location: MiCasita in Hope Mills, Time: 5:30pm, Public is welcomed. ***Please contact Lela at the Hope Mills Chamber if anyone is interested in being part of the Missing Man Table display for Heroes Homecoming V. All that is needed from you is a small table in a space in your establishment. All supplies will be provided. A huge thank you to The 2017 Fayetteville Walk to End Alzheimer's committee for being our July Luncheon guest speakers! SAVE THE DATE! OCTOBER 21ST, 2017 CHILI Cook Off Please come and take part in this event that benets the Chamber and allows them to better assist their members. A large crowd is expected, what a better way to promote your business to the Hope Mills local community! Gold Supporter - $150 (limited quantities. Available on a First Come First Serve basis.) Come promote your business in the WKML Chili Cook O area. This area is exclusively for members of the Hope Mills Area Chamber. You will receive a 10 X 10 tent, an 8ft table, & 2 chairs. You will also receive an ad on the tray liner. Silver Supporter - $50 18 x 24 perimeter sign placed around the WKML Chili Cook O area. Bronze Supporter - $25 Ad on tray liner. Includes: Name & phone number OR Company logo. Supporter packages available on a rst come rst serve basis. Please contact Lela at the Chamber to become an exclusive supporter of the 2017 Chili Cook O! hmacc@hopemillschamber.org or 910-423-4314 What's Your Scene? Turn to the center calendar every Wednesday and see what's happening around YOU or go online www.upandcomingweekly.com

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