Up & Coming Weekly

July 18, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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24 UCW JULY 19-25, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 433 Hay Street Fayetteville, NC 28301-5537 www.FayettevilleNC.gov (910) 433-1FAY (1329) /cityoffayettevillegovernment Insta Follow Your City on Social Media: Engaging You About Your City Government Engaging You About Your City Government Resident Input Needed on Pedestrian Survey The City of Fayetteville is asking for residents to participate in a survey to help improve pedestrian options within the city limits. In the 2017 Strategic Plan, Fayetteville City Council set a target for action for the City to complete an approved Pedestrian Master Plan. The plan is being developed in cooperation with the N.C. DOT Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation and our consultant, Stantec. In April of 2017, the stakeholder committee met to begin the process for developing the Pedestrian Master Plan. Since then, the consultant has been inventorying the existing options for pedestrians and built a website for the project: www.WalkingFayetteville.com. A section of the website is devoted to collecting input from residents about the different options pedestrians have in Fayetteville. Everyone is encouraged to take a few moments to complete the survey and distribute to others who may be interested. Volunteers Conduct Stormwater Survey and Civil Impact Assessment The City of Fayetteville will be collecting data July 24-28 that will be used in the development of a stormwater ambassador program and to assess civil impacts of downtown development. The data collection will take place in the three neighborhoods listed below, as well as in the downtown district. The volunteers will have ID badges that identify them as volunteers for the City of Fayetteville. The badges include the City's logo and the word "Volunteer." Volunteers will be collecting data in the following neighborhoods: • Chesnutt Hill (Beaver Creek 2) • Fairview Park (Cape Fear 1) • Warrenwood (Carvers Creek) The names in parenthesis are the names of the neighborhoods in which the watershed is located. All three areas have significant drainage issues and would perhaps be able to provide substantive feedback. Doing surveys in these areas helps the City address the problems affecting the neighborhoods and would give the City an opportunity to educate the neighborhoods about the Stormwater program's functions and limitations. The stormwater ambassador program will provide resources for data gathering to begin appropriate watershed modeling. Residents in those areas who are unsure if the person collecting data is a City volunteer are asked to call 911, as are all others across Fayetteville who see suspicious activity. New Housing Programs Available The City of Fayetteville's Community Development Department introduces new housing programs that will assist low-to-moderate income residents with their housing repairs needs for the upcoming program year. The new programs include the Emergency Housing Repair Program, Target Area Revitalization Program, Essential Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool Disaster Recovery Program, and the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Program. Each program will provide financial assistance for home rehabilitation repairs and/or disaster recovery efforts. • Emergency Housing Repair Program is a grant program that will provide financial assistance up to $5,000 for urgent home repairs for low to moderate home or mobile home owners. Emergency repairs of all types shall be provided to mobile home owners, complete heating and air (HVAC) unit and roof replacements to homeowners of site built homes on a permanent foundation, and complete heating and air (HVAC) unit replacement to condominium and townhouse owners. All homes must be owner-occupied. • The goal of the Target Area Revitalization Program is to improve the neighborhood environment and quality of life for residents within the identified targeted areas; B Street/Lincoln Drive areas and Bonnie Doone by removing blight through demolitions and exterior rehabilitation of existing residential structures. • Essential Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool-Disaster Recovery Program offers financial assistance for families that have sustained damages from Hurricane Matthew. Qualified citizens can apply for a zero percent interest deferred loan up to $29,999 for essential home repairs. All homes must be owner-occupied. Governor Roy Cooper has announced additional Hurricane Matthew recovery funds through the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program for Cumberland County in the amount of approximately $35 million. The department is currently working with Cumberland County to develop housing programs to expend the program funds. All applicants must live within the City limits of Fayetteville and meet all income eligibility requirements in order to apply. To apply for these programs or other existing housing programs, applicants must call (910) 433-1590 for a preliminary screening for income eligibility per household size. If eligibility is determined, the applicant will be mailed an application with instructions, then an appointment should be scheduled with the Community Development Administrator. KENNETH MAYNER, MPA, Chief Branding Officer, City of Faye eville Corporate Communica ons Department, Contribu ng Writer. 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