Up & Coming Weekly

June 27, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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8 UCW JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Guns and their use is one of the topics that causes the most spirited de- bate in our General Assembly. Clearly it is the supreme "wedge issue" and shows us the deep divide of emotional and intense beliefs each member possesses. It also shows how this divi- sion can cause us to abandon reason, abandon the democratic process and abandon our better selves. is past week, the House passed House Bill 746 and in doing so dismantled our 20-year- old Concealed Carry law. is law has served us well, balanc- ing our Second Amendment rights to own and carry guns concealed from the public and law enforce- ment with the need to protect law enforcement and the general public. e Concealed Carry law required a permit from the sheriff after one receives basic training in the safe handling of the weapon, verification of criminal record and certification that one has no history of severe mental ill- ness. It was a commonsense approach to responsible gun ownership and is endorsed by 80 percent of gun owners and law enforcement in the state of North Carolina. e new law makes certain aspects of the permitting process voluntary and by doing so makes basic safety training voluntary. Essentially, it guts the permitting process — especially the mental illness and criminal review portions — to the point where one can argue it is useless. How do we assure the public they are safe from those who would carry guns with a mental illness or with no clue on how to safely use the weapon? e bill also expands where you may carry a concealed gun, such as private homes which do not display notice of banning such by the owner. So, if you do not want someone to conceal carry in your home, untrained, you'd best place a sign on your front porch. But the gravamen of this legisla- tion is the utter disregard it has for the training in the safe handling of a gun and ensuring that one possessing this weapon does not have a criminal record or a serious mental illness. As Geary Chlebus, a former police officer and a certified weapons trainer of the safe and proper use of weapons, stated: "A gun is a serious weapon ca- pable of killing or maiming numerous people, including the owner. We now require the hunters to have a hunter safety certification to go hunting, but not so in carrying a concealed weapon in the general public." Chlebus went on to say, "I do not know any responsi- ble gun owner who supports this. We teach avoidance first and foremost because the fi- nancial, social and mental aspects of care- lessly using a weapon, caus- ing the loss of life, is devastat- ing. e public and policy-makers must understand just how crucial this training is." How and why could such a com- plex law pass so quickly without true vetting and public input? e answers come down to the very vocal minority in the Republican party that refuses to compromise on taxes, social issues and gun rights, using its influence within the Republican caucus to de- mand this agenda be heard. ey believe the Second Amend- ment carries with it no restrictions, and as such, cannot be regulated at all. As I've heard it said repeatedly this session, "We have constantly gone too far from middle ground on far too many issues." It is essential that we elect citizens who are willing to consider both sides of an issue and balance the compet- ing interests at hand. Both sides must be willing to work together. We did so 22 years ago, and our present law is a product of such collaboration and public input. It has served us well. e old saying "If it ain't broke, why fix it?" applies here. Even in the Wild, Wild West, Marshall Dillon required cowboys to check their guns in with Miss Kitty prior to having a good time. Handgun Reform Act Off Target by REPRESENTATIVE BILLY RICHARDSON LEGALLY SPEAKING Now online! Flip our pages for news, views art and entertainment! www.upandcomingweekly.com Call and ask one of our marketing representatives to help you grow your business. 484-6200 STATE REPRESENTATIVE BILLY RICHARDSON. COM- MENTS? news@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910.484.6200. e gravamen of this legislation is the utter disre- gard it has for the training in the safe handling of a gun.

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