Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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12 UCW JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM NEWS Cumberland Coun- ty patients dependent on inexpensive basic healthcare will soon be deprived of ser- vices that have been available for more than 25 years. County Commis- sioners are closing the county's Adult Health Clinic and Dental Clinic, lo- cated at 1235 Ramsey Street. Services are being discontinued because of budget cuts. ese clinics are typically utilized by uninsured, low-income residents who receive treatment for as little as $10 a visit. "In many ways, the health depart- ment is a safety net for people who can't get care or services elsewhere," said Public Health Director Buck Wilson. "e people who are getting primary care or cancer screenings here may not be able to get it anywhere else," he added. A county spokesper- son said, "Patients will need to find another physician or medical prac- tice." Wilson resigned effective July 7. He didn't give a reason. e care typically provided at the county health center includes diabetes management with hemoglobin A1C point-of-care test- ing; PSA for pros- tate health; care of hepatitis C to include genotype if needed; asthma management to include breathing treatment; and pap smears and breast exams, in accordance with American College of Gynecology recommenda- tions. Lab services provided include monitoring and managing diabetes, hypertension, HIV and blood clotting disorders, as well as labs for seizure disorders. ese are just some of the healthcare services hundreds of pa- tients will likely do without. State law requires that the county give patients 30-days-notice that the clinic is being closed. Consequently, the county must continue to provide care to current patients through July 20. e dental clinic will discontinue services July 1. Patients who have ap- pointments will be seen through July 20. Longtime County Commissioner Jeanette Council, who serves on the Board of Health and has advocated for the agency, was among the slim ma- jority that voted to adopt the budget that cut the funding. County Clinics Being Shut Down by JEFF THOMPSON Police Department Honors Longtime Employee Cathy Bell by JEFF THOMPSON Imagine touching the lives of liter- ally hundreds of members of a family over the course of a lifetime. Cathy Bell's unofficial extended family was the Fayetteville Police Depart- ment. She served as an office assistant at the Police Training Center off N. East- ern Boulevard for 23 years. Carolyn "Cathy" Bigford Bell died earlier this month shortly after her 65th birthday. Of- ficials said hers was the first civilian FPD death to be honored by officers who wore mourning bands on their badges. She was the first person virtu- ally all police recruits became ac- quainted with as they launched their careers. "Cathy treated everyone as family and had a special place in her heart for you, and you knew it every time she spoke to you," said Police Lt. Todd Joyce. "Cathy was a welcom- ing face to everyone who came for an interview," he added. When Bell first received her cancer diagnosis, she continued to work, sometimes from home, and kept her phone with her. Joyce said when someone called the main number at the training center, they forwarded it to her cellphone with the ever-cheerful greet- ing, "Police Training, this is Cathy." Interim Police Chief An- thony Kelly presented Bell with the inaugural "Career of Excellence" award at her home. At the FPD Awards Ceremony that followed, the department showed a video of that presentation. "e 'Civilian of the Year' award will be named in honor of Cathy Bell," said Kelly. e department has about 180 civil- ian employees and 433 sworn officers. Bell is survived by her husband, three children and their extend- ed family. PROFILE JEFF THOMPSON, Senior News Re- porter. COMMENTS? news@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910.484.6200. Cathy Bell Traditional Thai Cuisine Award Winner For 11 Consecutive Years in Best of Fayetteville Staff & Chef Kak 195 Starpoint Drive Fayetteville, NC 28303 910.864.2014 MILITARY DISCOUNT MONDAYS know in the stay www.upandcomingweekly.com We can help you learn what is happening in and around Fayetteville! In print and online! 208 Rowan St. 910.484.6200