Theta Xi - Missouri University of Science & Technology

Alpha Psi Chapter Campaign Announcement Newsletter

Alpha Psi Chapter of Theta Xi at Missouri University of Science & Technology

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HONORING OUR PAST - BUILDING OUR ALPHA PSI FUTURE Alpha Psi Chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity ANNOUNCING THE NEW HOUSE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN A lpha Psi is proud to announce our $1 million capital campaign, Honoring Our Past – Building Our Alpha Psi Future. We already have confirmed over $450,000 in donations from 37 donors toward our $1 million goal. Please read on to learn more about this exciting project. In 2015, our focus was to plan for a new chapter house. We began by strengthening the chapter, and have made steady progress. Today our focus is on investing in the future. Our current active membership is expanding. The Alpha Psi brotherhood is strengthened by the leadership of the chapter officers. Our alumni officers have partnered with their active counterparts to aggressively improve all aspects of chapter life. And we can now confidently look forward to a vibrant active chapter, in a new modern chapter house we can all be proud of. We are growing to become a strong, vibrant chapter. Just an artist's rendering. The floor plans are set, but the exterior is still in design. We will buy the two properties (1601 and 1603) to tear down those houses for a parking lot. You can see from this site plan that our plan is to build our new chapter house in the front yard of 1605 Pine Street. We will continue to use the existing kitchen and dining room. We also plan to renovate the annex into single-man rooms for seniors. How can I get involved with the campaign? Stay tuned for more information in the mail in the coming weeks. You can reach out to our campaign coordinator John Meyer '92, AY 433 at (314) 413-3367 or for more information.

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