Desert Messenger

March 15, 2017

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6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 9 Arizona Peace Trail 10 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 11 Restaurants 11 The Salvation Army updates 12 Adventures with Rocks 16 T-shirt Quilt 18 Musuem Hours Change 22 Around Town 23 Ginger 24 In Memoriam 26 Churches 29 Classifeds 30 Paul Winer Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 2017 VOL. 13 # 254 Now in our 13 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! WHAT'S INSIDE SEE PARTY PAGE 21 Party in the Park planned March 19 Quartzsite Council Member Carol Kelley dies by Joanne Winer The annual Party in the Park to celebrate Celia's Rainbow Gardens will be held on Sunday, March 19 starting at noon at the pavilion in the Town Park on Plymouth Road. This is the 21st annual par- ty that started out as a thank you luncheon for the volunteers who worked in the Gardens, but has evolved over the years to include anyone who wishes to come and be part of the fun and great mu- sic. It is hoped that those attend- ing will perhaps get interested in volunteering to help create this beautiful place to visit and also to honor those who have worked so hard to get it where it is today. Celia's Rainbow Gardens was started in 1995, a year after Celia passed away here in Quartzsite at 8 years old from a viral infection, and since then, the Gardens has grown to almost 20 acres of the 80 acre park. The Gardens includes many different areas--there is a miniature pioneer village, a cha- pel trail, a 200 seat amphitheater, a rock and gem pavilion, a large veteran's area, a fountain near the entrance, and many trails to explore - all planted with native cacti, trees and bushes. Most of the work has been done by volun- teers over the years, with a lot of help from the Town of Quartzsite workers from Public Works and Parks and Recreation doing a lot of the major heavy work to put in water lines, etc. It has been a labor of love for those who have Quartzsite, AZ- Family, friends and colleagues of Quartzsite Council Member Carol Kelley were saddened by the news of her passing Monday, March 13, 2017. Kelley, whose death at 83 followed a prolonged illness, fi rst came to Quartzsite 30 years ago as a snowbird and vendor. She and her husband, Bob, then settled in town over 20 years ago and became very active in the community. Kelley was fi rst appointed to the council January, 2012 fi lling the va- cancy of her deceased husband, Bob Kelley, who passed away on Decem- ber 31, 2011. In November 2014 elec- tion, Kelley overwhelmingly secured her seat on the council with the high- est number of votes. Kelley was a well respected member of the council and in the community. As Coordinator of Quartzsite Food Bank, she fought to make sure "my seniors had enough food" as well as local fami- lies. She served as Manager of The Sal- vation Army and was Activities Direc- tor at the Quartzsite Senior Center. Last week, she reminded me that she was a Charter member of Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite. The annual Easter Egg Hunt was one of her favorite events, making sure all kids received goodies. Kelley is survived by 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchil- dren. In addition to the family, Bob and Carol fostered countless children and grandchildren over the years. Covenant Lutheran Church Service Sunday, March 26 1pm. Reception 2:30pm at QIA. ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B���

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