Gamma Theta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Mississippi State University
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Visit to make an online gi. ALUMNUS DONATES CHALLENGE GIFT TO GAMMA THETA Frankie Box '68 Encourages All Alumni to Contribute F rankie Box '68 intentionally waited until his sophomore year to join a fraternity. He wanted to ensure he joined the best fraternity both on campus and for himself. Since pledging, Frankie has gained a sense of pride knowing he made the right decision by joining Pi Kappa Alpha. "What a blessing from God it has been being a member of Pi Kappa Alpha all these years," he said. To give back to the fraternity that brought him leadership skills and lifelong friendships, Frankie contributed a challenge gift to the A Legendary Past, Ensuring Our Future capital campaign. He believes that donating directly affects the ability for undergraduates to make Gamma Theta the number one fraternity on Mississippi State's campus. Although the campaign had a solid base, Frankie knew it needed more. "Ever since the day we pledged and walked up Gamma Theta's steps, Pi Kappa Alpha has served as a special gathering place for us," he said. "Now, each of us has the opportunity to give back and make a difference that will keep pledges climbing those same steps for years to come. It's only money—love above all!" Frankie visits campus and Gamma Theta often, as he does business in the area and enjoys visiting fellow alumni. He believes the undergraduate chapter has what it takes to be the best fraternity on campus and encourages alumni to donate to the campaign and visit the beautiful, renovated chapter house. "Being a Pi Kappa Alpha at MSU influenced our careers, taught us what real friendships were, and, for so many of us, helped form the men we are today. This renovated chapter house campaign is our opportunity to make sure young men have a chance to create their own memories and make lifelong friendships just like we alumni have," he said. Since the '70s, Frankie has attended alumni gatherings at least twice a year. What started as an annual canoe trip, turned rafting trip, has become yearly duck hunting and fishing trips for the group. Although more socializing gets done than actual hunting and fishing, Frankie finds the trips as a nice way to get together outside of ball games and tailgates. During his time as an undergraduate, Frankie's favorite memory was living in a big house with a big family under one big roof. He enjoyed developing friendships with people who had different backgrounds than him and building relationships with his brothers. As for current graduates, he advises them to discover the importance of volunteerism and promptness. "My advice is short and simple," he said. "First, show up. Second, step up. This is applicable in all aspects of life." Today, Frankie uses the money and relationship skills he learned as treasurer and chapter president in his professional career. Frankie is the Resident Vice President/Branch Manager for EMC Insurance Companies in the regional Mississippi office. He wholesales commercial property, casualty, and life insurance to independent insurance agencies in Louisiana and Mississippi. In his free time, Frankie enjoys reading, exercising, playing cards, and buying, selling, and trading real estate. Frankie has one son, Ben. He and his wife, Trish, reside in Madison County, Miss. Frankie can be reached at Joshua D. Lunn '03 Named Young Alumnus of the Year 2007 Graduate Develops App for Military and First Responders F or the past decade, Joshua D. Lunn '03 has been developing software, and in 2013 he became a co- founder of Kopis Mobile. The business designs and manufactures apps and app-enabled equipment for soldiers and first responders. "I met a group of guys who shared a similar passion as I did. We all wanted to build products and solve problems for people that we admire, so we started Kopis Mobile." Josh's work with Kopis Mobile was one of the many reasons he was chosen as Young Alumnus of the Year for Gamma Theta. Although Josh is honored to have been chosen for the award, he believes he was in good company, as everyone involved has been doing great things to promote the image of Pi Kappa Alpha. "It is difficult to do anything on your own, so build relationships with anyone you can," he advises undergraduates. "Understand that anything worth having in life will take hard work and dedication. So set a goal, get motivated, and persevere until you reach that goal." When Josh first joined Pike, he appreciated the secrecy and pride the brothers of Gamma Theta had for the fraternity. Some of his favorite memories were sitting on the front porch and playing pick-up games on the sports court. Josh had the opportunity to visit the chapter house a few years back and is excited for the new renovation. Since he has moved back to Mississippi, he hopes to become more involved with the active chapter and would like to help the chapter receive the Smythe Award in the future. Josh and his wife, Alyson, have been married for four years. In his limited free time, he enjoys golfing and fishing. Josh can be reached at