Theta Delta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at the Ohio State University
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BQP Page 3 Rik Nonelle '85 Paves the Way for Theta Delta's Future I f Rik Nonelle '85 traced his Beta membership back to where it all began, the path would lead to his sister. Liz was a member of Pi Beta Phi at Ohio State and was a Beta sweetheart. She married Theta Delta alumnus David Klein '82, who is now a plastic surgeon and Rik's brother-in-law. The connections and exposure to Beta started for Rik before he was even out of high school, but the decision to join ultimately was his own. The combination of culture, members, and tradition made the choice easy for Rik. "Being in a fraternity creates a bond you can't get anywhere else," Rik said. "Some of my closest friends today are the guys I met in Beta. Living with so many people for three years doesn't really allow it to end any other way than lifelong friendship. The memories and experiences we shared are cemented in us. You can't get that type of relationship just anywhere." It's natural then that Rik would want to allow the next generation of Betas the same opportunities he had. His commitment to The Campaign for Theta Delta is for exactly that reason. "In a fraternity, a code of ethics, integrity, and honesty come into play. It gives us as young adults a mini slice of our future lives and gives us the ability to work with many men with completely different personalities. Through numerous activities and actions, our personality traits develop and we become who we will be after college. My decision to give back is also paying it forward. When I stepped into the house at 18, I entered a house that was built and paid for by former Betas, so when the chance to do the same for the next crop of young men came along, I was happy to do my part. "It doesn't matter if you give a large amount or a small amount as long as you give something. I doubt there are many alumni who can't attribute some of their success to Beta. My younger brother, Mike '89, had an equally great experience, so together we wanted to pay back the organization that made it possible. We owe a lot to Theta Delta, so it's our way of saying thank you, as well as keeping the chapter strong." Rik lives in Cincinnati with his wife, Kimberly, and their two shar-peis. For 22 years, he has owned and operated Window Genie, the country's leader in home services. Window Genie is located in more than 120 cities around the country and were ranked #170 in Entrepreneur Magazine's 2016 Franchise 500 list. Rik is a car guy, so when he's not working he enjoys collecting as many unique cars as he can. He also enjoys traveling, riding road bikes, and playing a little golf. You can contact Rik at UndergradUates Keep their eyes to the FUtUre High Morale from Alumni Support Encourages Theta Delta to Succeed I n the midst of all the excitement that surrounds Theta Delta, I think it is important to reflect on where we are today and where we came from. THETA DELTA GROWS IN MEMBERSHIP AND PRIDE Two short years ago, the long and laborious process of recolonizing our great Chapter began. Few things came easy, but with the help of the General Fraternity and a devoted alumni base, we quickly grew our membership to 59 undergraduates, where it stands today. We soon found our niche in the large Greek community at Ohio State, excelling in the classroom and the community. We continue to rank in GPA and log more than 500 service hours every semester. We also deepen our relationships with our fellow fraternal organizations and campus community, hosting events and placing men in key leadership positions in several university organizations. WHAT'S NEXT FOR BETA THETA PI As we look to the future, it is hard not to be overcome with excitement. On its way is a beautiful new home for our Chapter; a home that we believe will serve as a not-so-subtle reminder that Theta Delta is, and always will be, a force for good and positive change on campus. We also continue our efforts in growing our membership and relationships within the community, always striving to improve upon our GPA and impact on those around us. THANK YOU, ALUMNI Our alumni serve as the cornerstone of our success, and because of that we look for ways to connect and strengthen ties with you. Look to receive invitations to Chapter- hosted events in the coming months, as we will host both philanthropy and Homecoming events this fall. Additionally, we always welcome and encourage alumni to join us for our Chapter meetings. The future at Theta Delta is incredibly bright. With the continued support of our alumni and hard work of our members, we will soon reclaim our status as the best Greek organization on campus. Fraternally, Jeff Ruick '17 Chapter President (614) 507-9165 Beta members at the Chapter's barbecue philanthropy event last spring. Top row, from left: Brian Kammer '16, Blaise Kimmel '17, Matt Burns '18, Scott Richard '17, Derek Plautz '17, and Jason Wang '18. Middle row: Logan Fleischer '18, Alex Kopman '18, Greg Riley '17, Michael Mosholder '18, Aaron Trombley '17, Grant Oehler '17, Steven Repas '17, Dominic Bagnoli '18, Giuseppe diBiase '17, Brian Spitnale '18, and Gary Haddle '17. Bottom row: Dylan Shanks '16, Ryan Stephens '16, and Anthony Calautti '17.