Red Bluff Daily News

February 26, 2010

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4A – Daily News – Friday, February 26, 2010 A MediaNews Group newspaper Greg Stevens, Publisher Chip Thompson, Editor Editorial policy The Daily News opinion is expressed in the editorial. The opinions expressed in columns, letters and cartoons are those of the authors and artists. Letter policy The Daily News welcomes let- ters from its readers on timely topics of public interest. All let- ters must be signed and pro- vide the writer's home street address and home phone num- ber. Anonymous letters, open letters to others, pen names and petition-style letters will not be allowed. Letters should be typed and cannot exceed two double-spaced pages or 500 words. When several letters address the same issue, a cross section of those submit- ted will be considered for publi- cation. Letters will be edited. Letters are published at the discretion of the editor. Mission Statement We believe that a strong com- munity newspaper is essential to a strong community, creating citizens who are better informed and more involved. The Daily News will be the indispensible guide to life and living in Tehama County. We will be the premier provider of local news, information and advertising through our daily newspaper, online edition and other print and Internet vehi- cles. The Daily News will reflect and support the unique identities of Tehama County and its cities; record the history of its com- munities and their people and make a positive difference in the quality of life for the resi- dents and businesses of Tehama County. How to reach us Main office: 527-2151 Classified: 527-2151 Circulation: 527-2151 News tips: 527-2153 Sports: 527-2153 Obituaries: 527-2151 Photo: 527-2153 On the Web Fax Newsroom: 527-9251 Classified: 527-5774 Retail Adv.: 527-5774 Legal Adv.: 527-5774 Business Office: 527-3719 Address 545 Diamond Ave. Red Bluff, CA 96080, or P.O. Box 220 Red Bluff, CA 96080 Opinion I heard a song the other day that reminded me of something I realized a long time ago. Music has had a profound influence on my life. Not so much in the form of playing an instrument but, rather, the listen- ing of the words. Certain songwriters have helped me pass the time over the course of the last thirty years. And in specific instances, marked the memory of where I was when certain things hap- pened. There was Jackson Browne back in the seventies, singing about The Pretender, of chasing my elusive dreams while living in a rented house "in the shade of the freeway." When the Space Shuttle Chal- lenger exploded back in the 1986, there was John Fogerty singing, "I know it's true, oh so true, cuz I saw it on T.V." Flash forward to the nineties. Clint Black had a song titled, "Muddy Waters." Even though it was released then, the words hold true for me now. The opening line of the cho- rus, "Those muddy waters keep on rolling," remind me, rather harshly, of what's happening right now within our school dis- trict. I've been teaching at Red Bluff High School for 20 years. At no time have I seen condi- tions on campus more uncertain and precarious than I do right now. The state budget woes have forced our district to once again make painful cuts to staff mem- bers. As Superintendent Dan Curry said the other day, "We just don't have the money." He was referring to maintain- ing staff levels as they are. I went home feeling sick to my stomach. The negativity, despair and bewilderment in the PAC was so thick Monday after- noon, one could cut it with a knife. Teachers, my colleagues and friends, sat there wondering – based on seniority and necessity - whose jobs would be cut next. The feeling was like being slugged in the stomach with a ten pound wrecking ball. We're not only talking loss of jobs here, but the loss of person- al livelihoods. Teaching is not only what these folks do, it's what they are. Their profession defines their identities. Imagine having that taken away – imagine having your heart ripped out. It's not like they can just put on a clean pair of socks and change their shoes. So, when Black sings about muddy waters, I have to look no further than our own campus to know what he means. My only hope is that they don't keep on rolling. My only hope is that if people get laid off during this budget cycle, they will be able to find jobs like those who were reduced last year. That's doubtful, though. Word on the street is that the future flow will be just as cloudy as it is now. All of this sounds pretty bleak to me. The truth is that muddy waters are rampant in every walk of life. Americans continue to struggle to find work, and many will do whatever it takes to make a buck. My dish guy, Gino, is a prime example. He came over the other day to do some work. I asked him how business was and he said, "Slow. So, I've decided to start doing some welding on the side, what- ever it takes to make a buck." He seemed upbeat about his prospects, though, and his sense of humor was refresh- ing. However, these are desperate times for a lot of people. I have friends on the verge of losing their homes, and family members who want to find work but can't. I fear for my gradu- ating seniors, many of whom are prepared and ready for life beyond high school. My only concern is that there won't be any opportunities waiting once they get there. Thankfully, I can't think of any songs for that. Try to have a good Friday. ——— Pat Gleason grew up in Los Angeles and has taught English at Red Bluff High School since 1990. He can be reached at Muddy Waters flood education system Commentary N EWS D AILY RED BLUFF TEHAMA COUNTY T H E V O I C E O F T E H A M A C O U N T Y S I N C E 1 8 8 5 Pat Gleason Simply Put STATE ASSEMBLYMAN — Jim Nielsen (R), State Capitol Bldg., Room 4164 P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento 94249; (916) 319-2002; Fax (916) 319- 2102 STATE SENATOR — Sam Aanestad (R), State Capitol Bldg., Room 2054, Sacramen- to, CA 95814. (916) 651-4004; Fax (916) 445-7750 GOVERNOR — Arnold Schwarzenegger (R), State Capitol Bldg., Sacramento, CA 95814; (916) 445-2841; Fax (916) 558-3160; E-mail: gover- U.S. REPRESENTATIVE — Wally Herger (R), 2635 Forest Ave. Ste. 100, Chico, CA 95928; 893-8363. U.S. SENATORS — Dianne Feinstein (D), One Post Street, Suite 2450, San Francisco, CA 94104; (415) 393-0707. Fax (415) 393-0710. Barbara Boxer (D), 1700 Montgomery St., Suite 240, San Francisco, CA 94111; (415) 403-0100. Fax (202) 224- 0454. Your officials What's in a word? Warning: If the use of the anatomical- ly accurate term for a part of the female reproductive system offends or embarrass- es you, please read no further. Perhaps I should have tacked that disclaimer onto the top of a story in Monday's edi- tion about a local production of The Vagina Monologues, a fundraiser for Alternatives To Violence at Red Bluff's State theatre. Fittingly, the opening scene of the show overuses that word to such an extent that it loses whatever negative connotation some folks might attach to it and, as one of the performers says, it becomes just a "com- pletely ridiculous, totally unsexy word." Nevertheless, not everyone appreciated seeing that word in the Daily News, not to mention on the front page. One reader called to cancel her sub- scription due to the publication of that word in Monday's edition. Don't know if it bothered her as much seeing it in Fri- day's edition, where it was in larger type and above the fold in a preview of the per- formances. Aside from some humorous digs from a couple of buddies, I haven't heard any other complaints — but that doesn't mean there are others. The decisions about how and where to publish the stories were not made lightly. Had the show not been a fundraiser for a local group that does a lot of good for local women, the preview likely would not have been front page news. Similarly, if that weekend had been chock-full-o-news, the coverage of the show would not have gone up front. At the same time, some folks would prefer not to see that word anywhere in their newspaper. It's difficult to write about a show without mentioning its title, though. Should the hard- working and talented performers and volunteers pay the price by foregoing recognition of the event? That doesn't seem right. After much consideration, I ran the items where and how they appeared and I think it was a good compromise — keeping that word out of the headlines and placing the photo below the fold. I found out Monday afternoon from my boss that editors have been dealing with this show and how to write about it longer than I've been in the business. Apologies to anyone who was offended or embarrassed by the articles. Our intent was solely to recognize some terrific local per- formances and help an organization whose good works we have seen first hand. As for the show itself, it was one of the better productions I've seen, including a couple in the Bay Area. Maybe my expec- tations weren't as high. Maybe I got a kick out of knowing several of the performers. Or maybe it was just that good. I hope it returns for another run in 2011, and encourage everyone to look past the title and take in a great piece of live theater. Be warned, though. The show contains language that make the title seem like a Disney film. It's definitely not for children or those with delicate sensibilities. Chip Thompson can be reached at 527-2151, Ext. 112 or by e-mail at Chip Thompson 545 Diamond Ave. Super Center will do more harm than good Editor: I am writing this letter in response to Mayor Jef- frey M. Moyer. The new Super Center will not bring in as much sales tax as you say because they are dropping the auto service and tire sales from the new store and adding a grocery department, which is not taxed. Then we have lost one gro- cery store already because of the new Super Center. We might lose even more if this goes in. Those new jobs will cost more in long run than they will give back. Those stores have paid a living wage, not minimum wage, as does Walmart. Losing stores costs jobs and leaves empty build- ings, as the old Walmart will also be left empty. Wal- mart will not let anyone come into that store that will compete with them. You complain about one of residents not living in the city. Are not those living in unincorporated areas of Tehama County important? They spend their money in Red Bluff. We have a city manager who does not even live in Tehama County. He does not even pay taxes in the county. Does he count more than Mr. Wilkie Talbert, Mrs. Clarice Meyer or Ms. Mary Anker? They pay taxes and shop in Red Bluff and Tehama County. Frank McCaughey, Red Bluff Caltrans fixed corner Editor: I would like to express my appreciation to Cal- trans for fixing the blind spot at the Diamond Avenue exit. Now, that the bushes have been trimmed back, there is no need to move the one way sign. There is a clear view of any oncoming traffic. Now, if we could get the city to put in some side- walks and clean up the litter along Diamond, we would have not only a safe entrance to our new col- lege and shopping centers, but an attractive one. Pat Johnston, Red Bluff Your Turn

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