Indiana Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Purdue University
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D avid Bigler '58 found a natural fit with Sigma Alpha Epsilon when he first went through recruitment at Purdue. The fraternity and its members made David's college experience extremely memorable and worthwhile, teaching him skills that he still uses today. The leadership capabilities he took away from SAE helped in his successful career. David started with Johnson Controls as a sales engineer in Indianapolis. He became branch manager in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Philadelphia. He then took the role of vice president of sales in the Canadian company and, subsequently, vice president general manager. David became managing director of the company's Europe branch in Brussels, then vice president of sales and marketing for the controls group of JCI. The Spring 2016 A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE - The Campaign for Indiana Beta Lion's TaLe FRIENDSHIPS RENEWED THROUGH CAMPAIGN Generous SAEs Commit $2 Million So Far to Renovate Chapter House O n behalf of the campaign leadership, thank you for your interest and participation in our efforts to renovate our chapter house. To date, we have received more than $2 million in pledges and gifts from 93 brothers, allowing this project to be that much closer to reality. It is gratifying to see these brothers wholeheartedly support this project. The immediate benefit from a campaign such as this is the opportunity for Sigma Alpha Epsilon to continue our status as a premier fraternity at Purdue. This benefit comes not only from an upgraded physical structure but also from the connections and reunions that invariably occur when brothers come together on a project. Perhaps most important, friendships have been renewed. With these connections, our undergraduates are benefiting from the advice and wisdom of alumni. They remain a top chapter on campus because of your support. Our undergraduate brothers are hardworking, well rounded, and strive to be strong leaders on campus and in their community, much as you likely did during your tenure at Purdue. Similar to our undergraduates, we realize you have other commitments and obligations—to your family, church, and community. But remember, it is SAE that taught us about friendship, leadership, and service. SAE and Purdue likely shaped you in many ways. It's taught you principles by which to live your daily life and to support your brothers. When you make a pledge to the Campaign for Indiana Beta, you are striving to transmit the fraternity to future SAEs better than it was transmitted to you. The continued success of our great chapter lies in the ability to recruit the best new members and future alumni. The future is in our hands. We are at a critical juncture in the campaign. With $3 million still needed to completely fund our needs, the commitment of every brother is vital to our success. We truly appreciate the loyalty of each donor. However, we will fall short of crucial projects without broader participation. We have structured the campaign with an available five-year pledge period, and gifts may be made in honor or in memory of a family member or brother. Simply complete and return the enclosed pledge form indicating your gift to the campaign. We need to work hard to ensure this campaign is successful and the chapter remains a strong, competitive fraternity on Purdue's campus for many years to come. I encourage you to call and reconnect with a brother, join the campaign, and ask him to do the same. You will be glad you called. We're well on our way to reaching our goal. I hope you will join me and show Indiana Beta how much you care. Together we can accomplish great things. Phi Alpha, Wayne McIntyre '64 Campaign Chairman (408) 930-1438 Bob Parrin '72, Wayne McIntyre '64, Fred Richter '60, Derek Foresman '17, Kevin Dolen '91, and Charlie Ashing '59 at Indiana Beta's annual gala this spring. Preserving the Future of Indiana Beta David Bigler '58 Gives Back to SAE (Continued on page 2)