Sigma Phi Epsilon - Oklahoma State University

Fall 2015 Newsletter

Oklahoma Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Oklahoma State University

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Inside: Join Your Brothers t 2 Committing to OK Alpha t 3 Welcome, New Members t 4-5 Alpha Artery A PUBLICATION FOR ALUMNI OF OKLAHOMA ALPHA t SIGMA PHI EPSILON FALL 2015 You Can Make a Difference in Oklahoma Alpha's Future Lend Your Support to Secure the SigEp Legacy at Oklahoma State T hrough an outpouring of alumni support, we have reached $1,179,571 in pledged commitments from 122 alumni and friends. This is an incredible feat, which would not have been possible without the support of brothers who demonstrate what it means to be a lifelong member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Throughout the Pride in Our Past, Ensuring Our Future: The Campaign for Oklahoma Alpha, numbers have played a significant role. Some numbers you have seen before, such as our $2 million campaign goal. Others are interesting facts recently learned. It's amazing to see how numbers impact every aspect of the campaign for Oklahoma Alpha. 122: The number of generous brothers and friends who have donated to our campaign. The ages range from a brother who graduated in 1950 to active members who will graduate in 2016. $9,688: The average amount donors have given to the campaign. Gifts of every amount are greatly appreciated and needed to minimize the debt on this project. $41.67: Dollars per month for five years (a total of $2,500) to have your name on a prominent, permanently displayed plaque in the chapter house, in recognition of your leadership gift to this campaign. Pledges may be spread over a five-year period to help maximize your support. 1981, 1953, 1958, 1985, 1954, 1998, and 1970: The graduation classes with the highest giving percentages. The graduation class of 1981 leads the way with 38% of members giving to the campaign. Congratulations! Help your class increase its giving participation. A gift at any level will make an impact! ∞ : The symbol for infinity. That is the potential lasting effect of any size gift to the Pride in Our Past, Ensuring Our Future campaign. Who knows, perhaps a world leader, a scientist who finds a cure for a disease, or your child's future teacher might be nurtured and supported in the chapter house we called home during our college years. Brothers, we have accomplished a milestone for our fraternity. It is our earnest hope that you will be a part of these numbers that are impacting the future of Oklahoma Alpha. Join us in this effort by making a gift using the enclosed pledge card and return envelope. Fraternally, Gary Bridwell '74 Campaign Co-Chairman Campaign StatuS at-a-glanCe As of November 20, 2015 $2 million goal total Committed: $1,179,571 number of ContributorS: 122 The 2015 new member class. Jim Blazer '67 Campaign Co-Chairman Jeff Linihan '85 Campaign Co-Chairman Pledge your support to Oklahoma Alpha today!

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