Lambda Chi Alpha - University of Oklahoma

Fall 2015 Newsletter

Gamma-Rho Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Oklahoma

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GAMMA GAMMA Rhover Family and Brotherhood — pg. 2 17th annual loyd harris golF tournament — pg. 3 gamma-rho Zeta remains on top — pg. 3 alumni update — pg. 4 s U N I V E R S I T Y O F O K L A H O M As A L A M B D A C H I A L P H A A L U M N I P U B L I C A T I O N Fall 2015 Gamma-Rho Zeta to Honor Capital Campaign Donors Attend Room Dedication Ceremony Dad's Day Weekend Remember this. Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously - 2 Corinthians 9:6 T he Sigma Phi Housing Corporation, Gamma-Rho Zeta Alumni Association, and the capital campaign committee are grateful to all of our alumni and friends who pledged and donated to the Continuing our Tradition of Excellence campaign. You have helped us re-plant the "withered and ugly seed" that was our Chapter House into "good ground" where it can flourish to house future generations of Lambda Chis. More than 2,600 young men have passed through its doors and called it home in the 85 years of its existence at the University of Oklahoma. Only two other fraternities on campus approach that record of longevity. We now have a house that is safe, healthy, and one to be proud of. It houses undergraduate brothers who set the standard for fraternities at OU. No other chapter has won as many President's Trophy awards for outstanding fraternity on campus; awards for grades, intramurals, philanthropy, community service; national fraternity awards; as well as individual awards for our brothers. Your alumni association would like to announce a room dedication ceremony on the Saturday of OU's Dad's Day game against Iowa State, Saturday, November 7. There will be a tailgate party and a brief awards ceremony for our key donors with the plaques that will be affixed to the rooms in the house that, through their generous donations, qualify for our room naming awards. We hope all alumni can attend, whether attending the game or not. Our honorees are: • Don Sherman, ΓΡ 374 • David Magstadt, ΓΡ 1612 • Raj Patel, ΓΡ 1120 • Matt Porter, ΓΡ 1615 • Ron Elkins, ΓΡ 393 • Conrad Masterson, ΓΡ 581 • Truman Edminster, ΓΡ 855 • Carrie Lou and Jim Draper In memory of Garrett Draper, ΓΡ 1310 • Dr. Kevin Hook, ΓΡ 1427, Scott Mabrey, ΓΡ 1498, Tim Clay, ΓΡ 1466, Travis Carter, ΓΡ 1422, Darren Loftis, ΓΡ 1486, John Weaver, ΓΡ 1435, and David Willis, ΓΡ 1431 In honor of Mike Dicus, ΓΡ 1430 • Dr. Rennie Barnes, ΓΡ 1535 and Craig Parrish, ΓΡ 1541 • Dennis Cameron, ΓΡ 1043, Truman Edminster, ΓΡ 855, and James McCarthy, ΓΡ 794 In memory of Davis Cameron, ΓΡ 874 and Max Cameron, ΓΡ 2239 Please join us in honoring these generous friends and alumni, especially if you have not had the opportunity to tour our renewed Chapter House. I will end with this. As the seed has been planted in good ground, it still requires "light and water" to flourish. There is still a need for alumni contributions and room naming rights are still available. Yours in Z.A.X., Bob Canfield ΓΡ 876 President, Sigma Phi Housing Corporation G amma-Rho Zeta is hosting a room dedication ceremony at the Chapter House on Saturday, November 7. We hope to see many loyal alumni back at the Chapter House to honor our donors. There will also be a tailgate party before the Dad's Day game vs. Iowa State! ROOM DEDICATION Saturday, November 7 BEING A LEADER IN GAMMA-RHO ZETA J.D. Baker, ΓΡ 2648 Reflects on His Lambda Chi Alpha Experience J .D. Baker, ΓΡ 2648 joined Lambda Chi because he felt a strong presence of brotherhood and knew that he could develop into a better version of himself through the values and relationships he formed through the brotherhood. Jake Pasdach, ΓΡ 2473, David Doshier, ΓΡ 2593, Brandon Turney, ΓΡ 2664, Parker Randels, ΓΡ 2646 and Jimmy Kaczmarek, ΓΡ 2430 were the biggest influences in his decision. Each of them took personal time to speak with him about who he was and what Lambda Chi Alpha stood for. "I knew these were men I wanted to call my brothers and spend a lifetime with." J.D.'s undergraduate experience has been met with many trials, but with many triumphs as well. He believes that he has grown into a better person because of the people he (Continued on page 3)

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