Sigma Chi - University of Kansas

Spring 2015 Newsletter

Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi at the University of Kansas

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Attention: This newsletter is intended for alumni and parents. If your son is still attending the University of Kansas, he will receive a copy at the chapter house. If he has graduated, please send us his permanent address. Thank you. KANSAS SIG Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi P.O. Box 1593 Lawrence, KS 66044 Address Service Requested The highesT RecommendaTion TheRe is Prospect's Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________________________ State:______________ Zip: _______________________________ Phone: ________________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________________________________________________ Parent(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ High school attended: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Does prospect have a Sigma Chi relative? _______________________________________________________________________________ Reference submitted by: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________________________________________________ W e're always looking for young men who have the character to make great Alpha Xi brothers. If you know someone who would be a great Sig, please pass along his contact information to us. Who knows, this may be the first step of a lifelong relationship! To recommend someone, please contact Harry Zecy '73 at Or simply return the form below to P.O. Box 1593, Lawrence, KS 66044 with a resume, including GPA, and a copy of his mid-senior year transcript. What's Inside Alumni Involvement Imperative Page 1 Alumnus Spotlight Page 2 KU Football Schedule Page 2 Welcome, New Members Page 2 Brothers Excel in Academics Page 3 Executive Officers Page 3

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