Sigma Chi - University of Kansas

Spring 2015 Newsletter

Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi at the University of Kansas

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K A N S A S S I G Spring 2015 A P u b l i c a t i o n o f S i g m a C h i F r a t e r n i t y a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f K a n s a s Y ou no doubt have seen, heard, or read about what happened with the SAE chapter at the University of Oklahoma. That same week, the Sigma Chi chapter at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, was closed due to hazing allegations. These are challenging times for the Greek communities on campuses across the nation. Alpha Xi is not immune to these challenges. As a pledge, you learned that Sigma Chi is a lifelong commitment. I don't know the level of alumni involvement with these other fraternities or chapters, but I do know that alumni involvement with Alpha Xi is more important now than ever. One of the many things you learned as a pledge was the Jordan Standard. In 2004, I attended my first initiation since 1981 and observed the son of a pledge brother go through the process. Hearing the Jordan Standard recited again made me realize the virtues of the standard are still relevant today and worth trying to attain in your personal and business relationships. I was also reminded of Sigma Chi's core values of friendship, justice, and learning. During that initiation 11 years ago, I was sitting next to guys I met for the first time when I arrived at Alpha Xi and who are still my best friends. This made me realize Sigma Chi truly does develop lifelong friendships. If the friendships you developed at 1439 Tennessee and what you learned from Sigma Chi are still important to you, then I encourage your involvement with Alpha Xi. Your involvement can range from providing financial support to serving on the Advisory Board or the House Corporation Board, or just stopping by the house some night for dinner and interacting with the undergraduates. If alumni are not involved, Alpha Xi could well cease to exist. Chapter Advisor Larry Winter '77, our Advisory Board, headed by Mark Zecy '78, and Alumni Recruitment Chairman Harry Zecy '73 all do an admirable job of interacting with the chapter and providing leadership with just the appropriate amount of guidance. Doug Miller '71 does an outstanding job working with the questor on the chapter's finances. Likewise, Jim Handy '81 and Larry Pfeiffer '71 had the thankless job of working with our insurer for the repair work after our August 2014 fire. And Jim Hanna '92 is always welcomed at the house as he presents the scholarship checks at the chapter's scholarship dinner. If not for their involvement, Alpha Xi might be making headlines we don't want to read. Good things are going on at Alpha Xi and much has been accomplished this winter and spring. I was really proud to be a Sig as I watched the Sigma Chi and Kappa Kappa Gamma performance at Rock Chalk Revue in March. As noted in the consul's report, we won the majority of the awards, including Best Show, Best Male Performance, and Best Female Performance. Initiation for the spring pledge class took place the week of April 6. Mom's Weekend was April 17-18, which is always fun for both the guys and moms. A thank you also to Nancy Reazin, president of Mother's Club, and its other officers and volunteers for their assistance with various activities which benefitted both the chapter and House Corporation. Mother's Club provided a new water fountain capable of filling water bottles, which was installed on the second floor landing. A photo is on our website, Mother's Club will once again coordinate snacks for the men during the May 11 finals week. Sigma Chi is a lifelong commitment, and I again encourage you to become involved. In Hoc, B. Scott Tschudy '80 House Corporation President Alumni Involvement Imperative to Alpha Xi's Success Your Support Needed to Continue Sigma Chi's Legacy R ecruitment for the 2015-16 school year is off to an excellent start, with 12 accepted bids so far! We are expecting to take a class of 28 young men and have slots held open for formal recruitment. As you may recall, our best leads consistently come from alumni just like you. The theme of the recruiting year is to Pledge to the Standard—something we all know. Our definition of a student is one of fair ability, usually has a GPA around 3.25, is active in sports or student government, and has a congenial disposition. Please send your recommendations to me at or (816) 361-1936. Recommendations should include a resume, including GPA, and a copy of his mid- senior year transcript. In an effort to promote diversity, we are particularly looking for young men outside the population centers of Kansas City, Wichita, and Topeka. We know they are there; we need your help to find them! I can promise you that your recommendation will be acted upon, and that I will personally follow up to make sure he gets a good look. In Hoc, Harry Zecy '73 (816) 361-1936 Alpha Xi Is Looking for a Few Good Men

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