Sigma Chi - University of Kansas

Fall 2014 Newsletter

Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi at the University of Kansas

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K A N S A S S I G Fall 2014 A P u b l i c a t i o n o f S i g m a C h i F r a t e r n i t y a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f K a n s a s Doug Miller '71 receives his Order of Constantine certificate from Robert Schock, Zeta Omicron '73. Robert Schock, Zeta Omicron '73, presents David Wysong '71 with a Significant Sig Award during Homecoming. No oNe INjured durINg August FIre Repairs to Be Completed in November A second fire in as many years struck the house on the morning of August 26. Fortunately, no one was injured and the smoke and water damage was limited to a room and sleeper located on the southwest corner of the third floor. Both the university and Greek community offered our men food and lodging, but we were able to reoccupy the house that same evening. Four men were displaced due to the fire but have been moved to other rooms in the house. We anticipate repairs will be completed and the room ready for occupancy in November. The Lawrence Fire Department determined the cause of the fire to be improperly disposed of smoking materials and damage was estimated at $150,000. MOTHERS' CLUB MEETS CHAPTER NEEDS The fire didn't damper the enthusiasm of brothers and parents as the university and Alpha Xi celebrated Parents' Weekend on September 20. The Moms' Club did another outstanding job of hosting a lunch catered by Jack Stack Barbecue and organizing silent and live auctions on the basketball court at the house. One of the highlights of the live auction was a Sigma Chi/ KU quilt, which sold for more than $500. Proceeds of the auction went to the Moms' Club, which assists with various projects requested by the men. For example, Moms' Club purchased a flat-screen television for the dining room. The television is wildly popular with the men as they now gather to watch Sports Center during breakfast and lunch. Moms' Club was also instrumental in remodeling a small closet on the third floor into a kitchenette for use by senior brothers. ALUMNI HONORED AT HOMECOMING A beautiful Homecoming weekend on September 27 was highlighted by a special ceremony honoring Alpha Xi alumni. Undergraduates, alumni, and family gathered on the basketball court to watch former Grand Trustee Robert Schock, Zeta Omicron '73, present David Wysong '71 with a Significant Sig Award and Doug Miller '71 with the Order of Constantine. Also, the family of Major Richard "Rocky" Claflin '61 was present as a memorial scholarship with Folds of Honor Foundation was established in his name. RECRUITMENT RECOMMENDATIONS NEEDED If you know a senior in high school who exhibits the attributes of the Jordan Standard and plans to attend the University of Kansas, now is the time to think about recruitment. Please forward his name and resume to the recruitment chairmen, whose contact information can be found on page 3. In Hoc, B. Scott Tschudy '80 House Corporation President Members of the Moms' Club during Parents' Weekend. Moms' Club provided a flat-screen television for the undergraduates to enjoy in the dining room.

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