Gamma-Rho Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Oklahoma
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GAMMA GAMMA Rhover Thank You, LoYaL Donors — pg. 2-3 spoTLighT on CourTLYn shoaTe — pg. 4 64 new MeMbers — pg. 5 LoYD harris aLuMni goLf TournaMenT — pg. 6 s U N I V E R S I T Y O F O K L A H O M As A L A M B D A C H I A L P H A A L U M N I P U B L I C A T I O N Last Chance to Donate to Tradition of Excellence Campaign Campaign Ending December 31, 2014 Fall 2014 S ince November of 2010, Gamma-Rho Zeta has worked tirelessly to create a new home for Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Oklahoma. Now, nearly four years later, we have seen our vision become a reality as the doors to our renovated Chapter House were opened last October, and the undergraduates have been enjoying their well-deserved, new and improved home. After many volunteer man hours and calls for support, the campaign board has decided to officially end the Building a Tradition of Excellence campaign on December 31, 2014. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this worthy cause; we could not have achieved this milestone in Gamma-Rho's history without your generous support. To the 1,541 brothers who have not made a donation to the campaign, now is the time to come on board. With only four short months to secure your name on our esteemed donor list, we encourage you to use the enclosed pledge card to submit a gift today. Any amount you can contribute is appreciated and welcome. With $1,512,484 raised to date, we need every remaining dollar to pay down our bank loan to ensure Gamma-Rho Zeta is in a secure financial position moving forward. You can help by contributing to the Carol Roberts Society (minimum gift of $1,000), submitting a five-year pledge, or returning a one-time contribution. Gifts can also be made securely online at our website, Ensuring Your Investment of 904 College T he remodel and transformation of 904 College has created a new sense of pride in the home of Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Oklahoma shared among all of our alumni and collegiate brothers. With this new sense of pride comes a new responsibility to ensure that our home maintains its newness as long as possible. Our house corporation, SP Holding, began new operating procedures this past year and was very successful in our transition from the first year back in the house to this year. The Chapter, too, has made changes in order to keep the house looking new and fresh. We are working together as stewards of the home. Here are some of the ways we are ensuring the future of your investment of 904 College. • The Chapter itself has pledged (and is paying) a large amount toward the renovation, which gives them ownership in the remodel. • The Chapter maintains a line item in their budget for repairs and upkeep of the house. • A $500 damage/security deposit is required of each member living in the house. • End-of-year cleanup and damage repairs come from the deposits accordingly. • A representative from SP Holding inspects the house at the beginning and end of each year. He will make recommendations for each room, as well as common areas. • SP has reviewed and increased our property coverage to $3.3 million and will monitor and review the insurance on an annual basis. Don't miss this opportunity to make a lasting impact on Gamma-Rho Zeta. We don't want you to someday revisit the Chapter House and look back with regret on not having contributed toward the betterment of the Chapter you once called home. When we took our oaths as Lambda Chi Alphas we committed to our membership not only during our undergraduate years, but for life. Please fulfill your promise and give back in any capacity you are able to Gamma-Rho Zeta. Thank you to all who have pledged. Thank you to all who have increased their pledges. Thanks to those who are continuing to pay on their pledges. And thank you to those who intend to. To those who have voiced a desire to give and those we have not heard from, remember, it is never too late! In Z.A.X., Don N. Sherman, GR 374 Campaign Co-Chairman Raj K. Patel, GR 1120 Campaign Co-Chairman James R. Jones, GR 490 Honorary Campaign Chairman (Continued on page 6) Visit www. to donate.