Desert Messenger

July 16, 2014

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4 Monsoon damage 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Rotary Doings 8 QES Updates 9 MEET the Candidates 11 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 12 Voices from the Past 14 Adventures w/Rocks 15 Restaurants 18 Churches 19 Arrest Report 20 Puzzles 22 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, JULY 16 TH , 2014 VOL. 10 # 198 N�� �� ��� 10 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 10 10 Alwa y s FREE! Best 4th of July in years! Paid for by Jeff Gilbert • 928-232-9207 • "Dedicated to serving with fairness, dignity and respect" JEFF FOR Justice of the Peace JP4 Precinct 4 GILBERT Aug. 26, 2014 SEE JULY 4 PAGE 17 ����� | J������ G������ By Joanne Winer The annual 4th of July celebrations in Quartzsite was hosted this year by the Quartzsite Rotary Club, and it was a huge suc- cess thanks to everyone who participated by helping out or just by being part of the event. Rotary would like to say a special thanks to the Town of Quartzsite and the Parks Dept. for all their help getting this celebra- tion set up and taken down. The town supplied 2 newly built dunk tanks, as well as many new corn hole beanbag toss games (painted by Mark Goldberg and his artist friends) for everyone to enjoy. They also put up a huge canopy with misters and chairs for anyone to use. A special thanks also to Parks Dept. Dana Troxler and especially Bubba White for all their help getting the set up down and making sure the snack shack was ready for Friday. Yesenia from the Recreation Dept. brought out the two water slide houses, and the kids just loved it. Care Flight brought their helicopter, with pilot Rick Shuster fl y- ing it onto the fi eld, and the Fire Dept. had their wonderful slide show there too. The Police Dept. brought their Humvee, ATV and their new transport, and the VFW also brought a huge tent for people to sit under. The Food Bank held raffl es and a bake sale, as well as a coin toss into the hay for the kids. Monica Timberlake and Carrollynn Henshaw gave away free snow cones and cotton candy, and Richard Oldham again supplied free watermelon for everyone. The Rotary kept the crowds fed with some great hot dogs, nachos, polish sausage, potato salad and all the fi xings at the south side of the concession stand, while Operation Hero Com- fort sold water and soda, and the VFW Ladies Aux. sold slices of pie at the north side windows. Of course, they also had the Frozen T-shirt contest, and lots of fun games for the kids, including a house that looked like it was on fi re that the kids could put out with a hose. Face paint- ing was done by Dee Sheehan. The best part of the festivities for most people, after all the great food and fun, was the fi reworks display--our Quartzsite Fire Dept. does this for us every year, and again this year it came off without any problems, The Town provided the fi re- ����� | J������ G������ Young Carly King enjoying the treats with her grandparents Angie & Carl Wynn

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