Michigan Alpha Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity at the University of Michigan
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prepared me for life in a number of ways. Two important lessons relate to responsibility and teamwork. Leadership roles with expectations taught me the importance of standing responsible for your decisions, even during times when irre- sponsibility runs rampant. Further, the transition from 'team' to 'family' allowed the Fraternity to thrive; this familial bond was a cornerstone of collective success, and I apply this lesson to pro- fessional teamwork every day." Gino advises undergraduates and all other alumni to stay in touch with one another. His pledge class keeps in touch via e-mail, and Gino relies on brothers Jack Gray '07 and Blake Toll '07 to organize football excursions and a group trip every year. "The bond formed amongst your brothers is far stronger than any network you'll form in the professional world. You spent four years cultivating a relationship in which you can ask for help or advice without having to worry about what the other party might see in it for them; the friendships are true and were forged before professional endeavors ever came into play. Social networks are a real form of capital. It'd be a terrible waste to throw such valuable capital away." When asked about professional advice for younger alumni, Gino repeated his speech from Founders' Day 2014, Break the Mold, and further advised that "advice from those you respect is important, but it should never be the cornerstone of your professional decisions. Find what you love to do; the most highly regarded persons in history created change around their passions and their success was not an accident." Gino works for Roncelli, Inc., a construction ser- vices firm headquartered in Michigan, with op- erations and projects across the U.S., as well as Canada and Mexico. His current responsibilities include cash-flow projection and exchange rate hedging, as well as support to General Counsel and contract negotiations. Gino pursues his JD- MBA by night at Wayne State University, along- side Pat Sierawski '07 and Michael Sulaka '07; his expected completion is spring of 2015. He lives, works, and plays in what he calls "The New Detroit." He enjoys traveling and recently earned his SCUBA open water certification in Thailand. E-mail: gino.roncelli@roncelli-inc.com, Web: www.roncelli-inc.com miChigan alpha ChapTer page 3 M ichigan Alpha gave Gino Roncelli '07 four years to chart a course for his life. It provided an opportunity to let loose in an en- vironment where failure might be accepted, but refusal to take the chance was not. Joining a fraternity wasn't in Gino's original plan, but the strong sense of brotherhood and the quality of the men in Phi Psi changed his mind. "When it came down to it, I'm not sure I had a meaningful choice. I'm quite sure Recruitment Chairman Jesse Tomares '06 forced my hand despite my hesitation to go Greek. Thanks to him, I quickly met and became quite attached to the other candidates and brothers. The candidates showed great promise, and I formed a large re- spect for the type of men the older brothers had become. I looked up to brothers like Bryan Blum '06 and President Ben Glaze '06 almost immediately. When the time came that they in- vited me into the Phi Psi family, there was only one logical decision worth making." Gino insists that his favorite memories will never be put to paper, but he was willing to share that events like football Saturday, every mechanical bull rental, date parties, and ski trips will never be forgotten. His fondest memories include a fall 2007 trip to see Michigan take on Duke in Charlotte during the NCAA tournament. "The Fraternity taught me important life lessons and Michigan Alpha Provided Gino Roncelli '07 Opportunities for Success Top: The Winterfest Broomball Tournament is the biggest IFC philanthropic event of the year. Bottom: The Phi Psi Winterfest Broomball team won the 2014 tournament. Michigan alpha gpa on the Rise FoundeRs' day gReat success, hope FoR MoRe aluMni next yeaR A nother exciting and full winter semester passed quickly at Michigan Alpha. We are on the homestretch with summer break and the Grand Arch Council around the corner. The men of Michigan Alpha have been very busy in efforts to increase the chapter GPA, exhibit excellence in intramurals, and host our annual Founders' Day. Over the past three semesters the chapter GPA has risen to a 3.30. An especially encouraging sign is that the new member GPA was a 3.378, ranking them fifth out of 31 fraternity pledge classes on the U of M campus. The freshmen have really bought into the chapter culture that puts a high emphasis on scholarship. Beyond their exceptional work in the classroom, (Continued on back page)