Red Bluff Daily News

April 08, 2014

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By Ricardo Alonso- Zaldivar The Associated Press WASHINGTON » A grow- ing share of Americans got health insurance as sign-up season for President Barack Obama's health care law came to a close last month, a major survey released Mon - day has found. The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index provides independent validation for White House claims that the law is expanding access, par - ticularly for working people with no coverage on the job. But the improvement, while substantial, doesn't appear as large as some of the num - bers claimed by the law's supporters. Gallup found that the share of adults without health in - surance shrank from 17.1 per- cent at the end of last year to 15.6 percent for the first three months of 2014. The decline of 1.5 per - centage points would trans- late roughly to more than 3.5 million people gaining cover- age. The trend accelerated as the March 31 enrollment deadline loomed. "The Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as 'Obamacare,' appears to be accomplishing its goal of increasing the percentage of Americans with health in - surance," said Gallup's anal- ysis of the findings. The survey is important because it combines the quick turnaround of me - dia polls with extensive out- reach usually seen in gov- ernment research. Gal- lup interviewed more than 43,500 adults, or more than 40 times the number in a typical national media poll. Coming a week after the close of the health care law's first enrollment season, Gal - lup's numbers suggest a more modest impact on cov- erage than statistics cited by the Obama administration. The administration says more than 7 million have signed up for subsidized private plans through new insurance markets. Addi - tionally, 3 million previously uninsured people gained coverage through the law's Medicaid expansion. Millions more remain po - tentially eligible for market- place coverage under var- ious extensions issued by the administration. White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said this weekend on CBS that 200,000 people who had started applications but weren't able to finish by the deadline got signed up later in the week. Ho we ve r, t he a dmi ni st ra - tion's numbers are not com- parable with Gallup's. The White House figure of 7 million-plus insurance ex- change sign-ups includes in- sured people who switched their previous coverage, as well as people who have not paid their first month's pre - mium, and who would there- fore still be uninsured. Also, Gallup is counting just adults, while the admin- istration figures include chil- dren as well. It may take much of the rest of the year to get a true bottom line of the health care law's impact on cover - age. Still, Gallup's numbers do show an improving trend. The share of Americans without coverage is at its lowest since late 2008, the survey found. AffORdABle cARe AcT Survey confirms gains in health insurance sign-ups Ringo H.W. CHiu — THe AssoCiATed PRess Applicants line up outside the seiu-uHW office during a health care enrollment event in Commerce on March 31. By david espo The Associated Press WASHINGTON » The Senate voted 59-38 Monday to res- urrect federal jobless ben- efits for the long-term un- employed, and a small band of Republican supporters swiftly appealed to a reluc- tant Speaker John Boehner to permit election-year ac- tion in the House as well. Steps are needed "to re- store unemployment bene- fits to struggling Americans," seven House Republicans wrote Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Vir - ginia. They released their letter as the Senate was be- stowing its widely expected approval on the legislation. Despite the appeal, the bill's prospects are cloudy at best, given widespread opposition among conserva - tive lawmakers and outside groups and Boehner's un- willingness to allow it to the floor without changes that Republicans say would en- hance job creation. The Senate vote itself, seven months before con- gressional elections, capped a bruising three-month struggle. Fifty-one Demo- crats, two independents and six Republicans voted for ap- proval. The bill was the first ma- jor piece of legislation that Democrats sent to the floor of the Senate when Congress convened early in the year, the linchpin of a broader campaign-season agenda meant to showcase concern for men and women who are do in g poo rl y in a n er a of e co - nomic disparity between rich and poor. In the months since, the Democrats have alter - nately pummeled Republi- cans for holding up passage and made concessions in an effort to gain support from enough GOP lawmakers to overcome a filibuster. Chief among those concessions was an agreement to pay the $9.6 billion cost of the five- month bill by making offset - ting spending cuts elsewhere in the budget. The White House-backed measure would retroactively restore benefits that were cut off in late December, and maintain them through the end of May. Officials say as many as 2.7 million job - less workers have been de- nied assistance since the law expired late last year. If renewed, the aid would to- tal about $256 weekly, and in most cases go to men and women who have been off the job for longer than six months. uNemplOymeNT Senate OKs jobless bill; House up next ✓Check out our selection of beer, wine & tobacco Your One Stop Convenience Store 5am to 11pm 714 Walnut St., Red Bluff ONE STOP MOULE'S TEHAMA COUNTY GLASS 515 Sycamore St., Red Bluff 529-0260 Broken Glass Is Our Specialty If It Has Glass We Can Fix It 716 6 TH St, Corning 530-824-4546 Family business, owned & operated DOMESTIC & EUROPEAN AUTO REPAIR Certified Mechanic Smog, Brakes, Diesel Smogs, Oil Change, Transmission, Alignment & More FLYING By HealtH Writer, Peter Metler T hanks to a brand new discovery made from a rare prostate relief plant; thousands of men across America are taking their lives back from "prostate hell". This remarkable new natural supplement helps you: More men than ever before are dealing with prostate problems that range from annoying to downright EMBARRASSING! But now, urological research has discovered a new solution so remarkable that helps alleviate symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate (sexual failure, lost sleep, bladder discomfort and urgent runs to the bathroom). Like nothing before! Yet 9 out of 10 doctors don't know about it! Here's why: Due to strict managed health care constrictions, many MD's are struggling to keep their practices afloat. "Unfortunately, there's no money in prescribing natural products. They aren't nearly as profitable." says a confidential source. Instead, doctors rely on toxic drugs that help but could leave you sexually "powerless" (or a lot worse)! On a CNN Special, Medical Correspondent Dr. Steve Salvatore shocked America by quoting a statistic from the prestigious Journal of American Medical Association that stated, "...about 60% of men who go under the knife for a prostatectomy are left UNABLE to perform sexually!" PROSTATE PROBLEM SOLVED! But thanks to this astonishing new natural discovery, you can now beat the odds. And enjoy better sleep, a powerful urine stream and a long and healthy love life. The secret? You need to load your diet with essential Phyto- Nutrients, (traditionally found in certain fruits, vegetables and grains). The problem is, most Phyto-Nutrients never get into your bloodstream. They're destroyed by today's food preparation methods (cooking, long storage times and food additives). YEARS OF RESEARCH Thankfully, a small company (Wellness Logix™) out of Maine, is on a mission to change that. They've created a product that arms men who suffer with prostate inflammation with new hope. They call it Prostate IQ™. And it's fast becoming the #1 Prostate formula in America. Experts say Prostate IQ™ is the most effective prostate supplement ever developed. "This stuff works!" says Daniel A., a self-confessed natural product enthusiast. Prostate IQ™ gives men the super- concentrated dose of Phyto-Nutrients they need to beat prostate symptoms. "You just can't get them from your regular diet" say Daniel. It's taken Wellness Logix, 2 long years of R&D to understand how to capture the prostate relieving power of this amazing botanical. But their hard work paid off. Prostate IQ™ is different than any other prostate supplement on the market... DON'T BE FOOLED BY CHEAP FORMULATIONS! Many hope you won't notice, but a lot of prostate supplements fall embarrassingly short with their dosages. The formulas may be okay, but they won't do a darn thing for you unless you take 10 or more tablets a day. Prostate IQ™ is different. It contains a whopping 300mg of this special "Smart Prostate Plant". So it's loaded with Phyto-Nutrients. Plus, it's 100% bioavailable (which means it gets inside your bloodstream faster and stays inside for maximum results). Prostate IQ™ super-synergistic formulation works hand-in-hand with a special fusion of 11 powerful prostate fighting ingredients. So it's guaranteed to perform at peak level of efficiency for prostate normalizing relief. MEN RAVE ABOUT PROSTATE IQ™! "Prostate IQ™ works! It really works! Thank You!" - Christopher R. "I'm doing much better with the bathroom trips, highly recommended!" - Marvin Simmons "A buddy at work told me about this product and it DOES work great!" - Augustus L. THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE US FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. RESULTS NOT TYPICAL. ADVERTISEMENT natural science news - men's health MINIMIzE constant urges to urinate END embarrassing sexual "let-downs" SUPPORT a strong, healthy urine flow GET a restful night of uninterrupted sleep STOP false alarms, dribbles & underwear drips ENJOY a truly empty bladder & unblocked flow TRY IT RISK-FREE SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY FOR READERS OF THIS NEwSPAPER We've made special arrangements with the distributor, to supply our readers with a risk-free trial supply of Prostate IQ™ just for asking. But you must act now, supplies are limited. This risk-free trial is reserved for readers of this newspaper. Call Now, Toll-Free now at: 1-888-399-8434 Or visit. Combats all-night bathroom urges and embarrassment... Yet most doctors don't even know about it! New Prostate Relief Pill Works Without Drugs or Surgery Here Are 6 warning Signs You Better Not Ignore Waking up 2 to 6 times a night to urinate A con sta nt fe eling that yo u have to "go"...but can't A burning sensation when you do go A weak urine stream A feeling that your bladder is never completely empty Embarrassing sputtering, dripping & staining 530-366-3166 545 Adobe Rd., Red Bluff, CA 1850 TRAINOR ST. Keith Ellis Owner 36 Years in Tehama County ♦ Collision Repair ♦ Hot Rods ♦ Glass Replacement ♦ Complete Paint Jobs ♦ Heavy Truck Repair & Painting ♦ Expert Frame Work ♦ ALL WORK GUARANTEED | NEWS | RedBLuFFdAiLYneWs.CoM TuesdAY, APRiL 8, 2014 4 B

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