CityView Magazine

April 2011

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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e yve ir taking away the excuses: No out of pocket expense: Health insurance typically covers the full cost of your annual screening Mammogram! No need to wait for a doctor--schedule your own Mammogram today! Call 910.323.2209 VRI offers same day appointments until 7pm and Saturdays from 8am-12pm. Digital Mammography is now faster and more precise than ever before. VRI offers expedited diagnostic services and consultation with a Radiologist for patients who need additional imaging. because every woman matters When it comes to having a mammogram, we are mage counts Phone 910.323.2209 High Field & Open MRI Multi-Slice CT Digital Mammography Nuclear Medicine Ultrasound Bone Density (DEXA) General Imaging including Fluoroscopy | 1

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